Friday 21 June 2024

"La Rosée de l'Espoir"


La Rosée de l’Espoir

Fine et fraiche, elle hydrate chaque matin,
Avant le lever du soleil, les plantes du jardin.
Semblable à des perles, les gouttelettes glissaient,
Sur les feuillages verdoyants, qui s’en retrouvaient tout reluisant.

Mon âme était sensible à cette beauté fugitive et éphémère,
Dans la fraicheur du matin, mes frissons,
Etaient entrecoupés par des accès d’espoir,
Que la chaleur du soleil levant me communiquait.
Mon cœur s’en retrouvait réchauffé et le sang chaud,
Qui giclait dans mes veines, décrispa mes membres.

Au printemps, les arbres se couvrent de feuilles et de fleurs,
La végétation renait de ses cendres en retrouvant sa magnificence d’entant,
Semblable à une passion, qui après s’être diluée et étouffée,
Recommence à bruler plus intensément que jamais.

La beauté de la nature touche le cœur de chacun,
En transformant l’anxiété en espoir et courage,
Entretenus et ravivés par l’air pur et frais du matin.
La lassitude accumulée s’estompait et je me sentais
Un nouvel être plus sain, à qui il ne restait qu’un seul désir :
« Partager ces moments de félicité avec son âme jumelle. »

"La Rosée de l'Espoir" is one of the first poems I ever wrote. I wrote it when I was 15 or 16 years old.

Already back then, I dreamt of meeting my twin soul. I had never heard about such a concept, yet I intuitively knew that somewhere in the world, the girl who understood me entirely, saw me entirely, and loved me entirely, lived and existed. I could feel her presence in my heart. I had no doubt about her.

Years afterwards, I found her. I found her, but she was wounded. Despite her wound, despite her fears, I could see and appreciate all her beauty, all her inner and outer beauty.

I think that I now need to retrieve all the faith and the trust I had in her during my childhood. She needs all this faith and this trust, because it will deliver her from the burdens she carries.

The name of my twin soul is Annelies Broeders. She was born in Dordrecht on the 8th of September 1994. She is the only girl, the only person, I ever fell in love with. She is the girl I love since ever I can remember. She is the girl I will always love.

To me, my dear Annelies, you are the most beautiful, poetic, sensitive and fair girl in the entire world. My heart melts when I see you.

We were together, in Gruyères, when I took this picture of you, Faerie Princess.


Showing new parts of the garden

Today I showed new parts of the garden, on which I've been working in order to start planting some winter crops! I'm really proud of...