Monday 3 June 2024

Music, and walnut leaves

The Prince of Ylliriel speaks from the garden by the sea. He shows a view on the beach, as the summer parties have started. Then he retreats to the core of the garden, this place where the Prince feels more at ease, and shares some garden wisdom with those who listen to him. He also shares a few tricks he used in his childhood to recognize tree leaves and plant leaves, thanks to their characteristic scent. For instance, since a young age, the Prince of Ylliriel learnt the scent of walnut leaves, and mango leaves, becoming afterward able, for the rest of his life, to recognize tiny walnut and mango trees that start sprouting in the garden, in order to protect and water them. 

In the Prince's opinion, it is important to train children at a very young age to recognize plants, but also to plant seeds, and to watch these seeds (and slips) grow, as this knowledge will stay with those children for the rest of their life. The day in which the Prince will find his Angel, healed, smiling, laughing, he promises that in parallel with writing books and novels, he will try to create a strong and successful initiative to interest and teach children and adults how to plant, and how to love planting, with the help of his Angel, the famous Princess of Ylliriel, Annelies Broeders the fair. 

Harvest of the day:
- a big sack of basil to make homemade pesto
- a large salad for twelve persons (composed of arugula, parsley, sweet potato leaves, medicinal mint, sweet mint, oregan leaves, thyme leaves, dandelion, cabbage leaves, brocoli leaves...)
- a bowl of mulberry
- a lemon
- a small bowl of capers (to put in vinegar and salt)
- a bowl of seed grass or maritime fennel
- a few strawberries
- the first green apple
- three plates of pumpkin flowers

In the pictures underneath you can see the daily capers harvest, and a papaya fruit getting ready to be picked. This is all the work of the Prince of Ylliriel, who takes care of the fantasy garden mostly on his own, cultivating trees, plants, shrubs, domesticated and wild plants.

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