Sunday 23 June 2024

N'était-elle pas belle?

"N'était-elle pas belle?" is the first spontaneous poem I wrote in my life. I wrote it during the first week of November 2006, after dreaming, in very vivid terms, of my twin soul, exactly eight years before meeting her. I was fifteen years old at the time. I never forgot this so vivid dream of her, that seemed to me like a real life experience. I remembered the face of the mysterious and so perfect girl I had seen in my dream for years and years, and when I met my twin soul I recognized her face, I recognized the same mysterious girl I had seen in my dream.

I fell in love with my twin soul before meeting her, probably on Sunday 5th of November 2006 (I looked at a calendar to find the exact date, as I remember that I had dreamt of her on a Sunday morning, waking up delighted by this dream that seemed so real and truthful).

When I met my twin soul in real life, I felt exactly the same emotions as I describe in this poem, that was only based on this dream of her. 

After the unfairness I was victim from, because of my immense inner pain, I lost for some time this perfect knowledge of her I had within me. Only now, slowly, along this path of healing, am I retrieving this initial vision of perfection. 

In order to heal entirely, however, oh my Fair Angel, I need to see you here, right in front of me. Only then will I retrieve the real feeling, the real emotion, behind this poem I wrote so many years ago for you.

N'était-elle pas belle?
Elle resplendissait dans sa robe de princesse, elle
Semblait être entourée par une constellation
Tellement elle brillait.
Mes yeux se fermaient délicieusement,
Eblouis par la lumière de ce soleil.
J'aurais tellement désiré
Que le monde s'arrête,
Que comme figés, glacés,
Nous restions éternellement l'un en face de l'autre!
Les reflets de sa chevelure dorée
Fascinaient mon âme charmée par cette fée,
Le parfum qui allégeait dans l'air,
Etait semblable à celui provoqué
Par une mer de roses.
Tous mes sens étaient tendus,
Scrutant l'horizon de ce bonheur sans fin.
Jamais encore,
Je n'avais éprouvé pareil sentiment
Dans un rêve!
N'était-il pas fantastique?

Annelies Broeders, you are the fae I dreamt about, and wrote about. I believe nobody could see and appreciate your inner beauty. I think I did, however, and this is the reason for which you felt moved so deeply in my presence. 

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