Tuesday 11 June 2024

The Prince unearthes a few sweet potatoes

Today the Prince of Ylliriel unearthed some sweet potatoes, explaining in the videos why according to him the sweet potato vines are such a precious plant. The Prince discovered how to cultivate sweet potatoes by experimenting. 

Since 2020, the Prince actively research for "miraculous" plants that will thrive in his garden. The sweet potatoes are one of those super plants! The Prince's discoveries could one day be extended to other gardens, empowering more and more people to cultivate their own crops. 

A few sweet potatoes unearthed today by the Prince and a small papaya.

Sweet potato slips that the Prince will place in water in order for them to develop roots.

Other sweet potato slips that already developed intricate root networks!

Some mulberries the Prince picked today.

There is a story behind this box, or rather two stories. The little cedar you see is the symbol of Ylliriel. 
The "labneh" is the name of the traditional cheese people eat at breakfast. If you wish to taste "labneh" it's very easy to prepare it yourselves at home: you need yoghurt, a sieve, and a piece of kitchen cloth. You place the kitchen cloth in the sieve, and you pour the yoghurt inside. You leave it there for six or twelve hours. The lactoserum (the yellowish liquid) will go down into the bowl underneath the sieve, and the yoghurt will densify, becoming like a creamy, white cheese. This is what is called "labneh".

When the Prince lived in Switzerland, he used to buy raw milk from the market, and he himself transformed the milk in yoghurt, then in labneh. 
For those who are in a hurry, it's perhaps easier to get a big jar of yoghurt, and transform it in "labneh" directly.

The labneh is eaten with a bit of fresh mint, or dry thyme, a bit of salt and olive oil, and a bit of flat bread, but it can also be eaten with a baguette or any sort of bread. The Prince advices Red-Oak, Green-Rose, and Little-Flute to taste his national cheese, as they can prepare it at home themselves! It engages them to nothing!

Taanayel is the name of a region, and of a farm, in the mountains. 

And the second story is that even cheese brands in the Republic of Ylliriel ask for political reforms. Many packaging started displaying a cedar four years ago, when people started asking for a better future and present. The writing underneath says "let your voice be heard". 
This should show those who doubt that the Republic of Ylliriel is a real democracy how sacred and creative is the freedom of speech here. Imagine the face of the corrupted politicians while going to the supermarket and seeing the civic movements logos printed on all their favorite brands! This is truly what happened. On water bottles, on cheese boxes, on tissue boxes, this same little flag and the same sentence were printed: "let your voice be heard". There are unfairnesses in each country of the world. The first step to defeat unfairness and corruption is freedom of speech, and the determination of citizens to make their voice heard.
In the Republic of Ylliriel those ingredients are key! This is why, your prejudiced vision of this land has nothing to do with how it is really. 
Beyond that, the Republic of Ylliriel is not one nation, but several. A famous writer here called Lebanon a house of many mansions. There is a lot of diversity. Different ideas, different people, different beliefs. Yet, the Cedars unite and protect this small country, giving an ancient wisdom to many of its people. Seeing trees that are hundreds and hundreds of years old crown the mountains is quite a sight. There are famous European poets (such as Lamartine for instance) who wrote their names on the trunk of a cedar. Their names are still there nowadays, as the cedars are very long-lived).

Little-Flute, I advise you to make a case study of the Republic of Ylliriel!

Also, what I wish to say is that by standing up for the truth, by fighting against the act of corruption I was victim from, I am also helping my kingdom rise again!

Because, five years and eight months ago, I was the victim of an act of corruption. Let's call things as they are. Contrarily to what people think, and write, corruption does not exist only in "third world countries"! Corruption exists even in the capitals of justice, if you see what I mean.

The persons who wronged me were victims of their own prejudices, narrow-mindedness, and rigid ideas about life.

And now, I ask for JUSTICE. 


  1. https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/william_e_gladstone_101551

  2. "Justice delayed is Justice denied." W.E. Gladstone 1898.

    1. I think that one day the entourage of the Faerie Princess will realize their mistake...


From inside the house

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