Friday 31 May 2024

Another facet

The Prince of Ylliriel shows another facet of the life in the countryside in Amchit, in the fantasy garden of Ylliriel. There are a lot of beautiful little creatures, but there are also snakes, from time to time. Today the Prince of Ylliriel had to kill two snakes of one meter length each, and that is the first time it happens. Usually, since when the Prince and his family started living all year round in the countryside, he has to kill between 4 to 6 snakes per year, mostly in the warmest months of the year.

There is a lot of wilderness around, green hills, and deep green valleys that becomes a river in the winter, and this is from where wild animals come. The cats can take care of the smallest snake, of 20-30 cm of length, but they can only scare the largest ones (of 1 meter length). The law that forbids hunting in general allows however to kill snakes when they are in a garden. The Prince doesn't like to kill any form of life, but for safety reasons, it is better to keep snakes away.

The structure of videos is a bit haphazard, as the cellphone of the Prince bugged many times, and he thought he had lost the first video, therefore repeating himself slightly in the other videos that were taken afterwards.

The Prince does not like to film himself or to display himself, in general; it is not in his character to do so. But to respond to the unfair accusations and harsh words he was victim from, he has no other choice but to show who he truly is, to those who refused and still refuse to have a half-an-hour conversation with him, time that would be sufficient to convince them that he is a good, fair and loyal person. 

The Prince buries snakes, and wishes for them the best in the afterlife (as he does for each and every form of life). Perhaps in the other world, snakes are fairer creatures who live in peace with human beings and other animals, without presenting any threat. 


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    1. Thank you for your beautiful words, Ellen! I love what you say about your grandchildren! "Through their eyes I can wonder again about the things in life" It's true children have a lot to offer, when someone takes the time to give them love, attention, and listening. They have a naive and genuine vision of the world, that we often lose becoming adults.


Showing new parts of the garden

Today I showed new parts of the garden, on which I've been working in order to start planting some winter crops! I'm really proud of...