Friday 17 May 2024

Life path and idealism

In a series of seven spontaneous, non-professional videos, the Prince of Ylliriel exposes his worldview, and explains his choice not to work as a traditional engineer, but rather to write books and novels while designing and building an agroforestry ecosystem. 

Indeed the problems that the world currently faces cannot be resolved by science, technology, or engineering according to the Prince of Ylliriel. The current challenges we are facing can only be resolved by adopting new ways of thinking. Writing books is a way to touch the heart and the mind of human beings. A very strong and touching book can forever change the life of a reader. 

Part 1/7

Part 2/7

Part 3/7

Part 4/7

Part 5/7

Part 6/7

Part 7/7

In his videos, the Prince of Ylliriel (Erik Zakhia) mentions four published books:

- The Manual of Seed Saving (Andrea Heistinger)

- The Pillars of the Earth (Ken Follett)

- The Way of Kings (Brandon Sanderson) 

- Harry Potter (JK Rowling)

The Prince of Ylliriel also makes a reference to Annelies Broeders who is co-writing with him several books and fantasy-historical novels. You can visit the webpage of Annelies (The Princess of Ylliriel) on this link:

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