Saturday 18 May 2024

The garden at dusk - Melting snow

In two short, spontaneous videos with a really low image quality, the Prince of Ylliriel shows the garden at dusk - not much is visible unfortunately, but the mood and the melody of the garden change as the night falls, and the Prince wished to share that mood with those who are interested, and those who are directly concerned by the affairs of the Kingdom of Ylliriel. 

Indeed, some people dared to doubt of the reputation of the Prince, and of the Fantasy Kingdom where he dwells. And therefore the aim of the Prince is to show these people that their prejudices and false ideas were wrong from the start. 

It is the Princess of Ylliriel (Annelies Broeders) herself who asked the Prince to defend himself, and stand up for his rights, and hers. It is the Princess of Ylliriel herself who day after day supports the Prince in this endeavor, and makes all this possible. 

Being a very peaceful person, the Prince knows that a garden displaying beautiful trees and bountiful fruits, vegetables and salads is a middle ground where all the actors of this tale can agree to meet, and make amend of their respective mistakes. Could those persons see the garden with their own eyes, and agree on meeting the Prince, an immediate bond of trust and appreciation would be created. 

According to the Princess of Ylliriel, that will one day happen.

Follow more of the Fantasy Garden of Ylliriel's daily adventures and pictures on:


  1. Wat een mooie intentie Erik. En wat originele manier om dit te tonen. Laten we hopen dat jouw wensen uitkomen. Ook moedig dat je Nederlands wil leren want het is inderdaad heel verschillend van het Frans met name in zinsconstructie en plaatsing bijvoeglijke naamwoorden enz. Wij vinden liefde voor de natuur ook belangrijk.mjjn kleinkinderen zijn al experts in het herkennen van kruiden en maken van pesto. Succes!

  2. Thank you for your kind words of encouragement, Ellen! I'm really happy to hear that your grandchildren are already experts in recognizing herbs and making pesto! They have luck to have a grandmother like you, and the love for nature is taught and learnt at a very young age! I also had the luck to have grandparents and even a few great grandparents who sat with me in the garden, bringing magic into these places. A lot of people of my generation, at school/university/work place saw gardens as a dull place, whereas for me, gardens hide an entire world of stories to be discovered and explored. Trees are mysterious and magnificent, plants are charming and tender... Therefore it's really important that your grandchildren can appreciate the value, beauty and practical use of nature already! And about Dutch: I think that I can make it, I speak several languages already that have a different sentence structure. When I read your comment in Dutch, I can already understand and recognize many words, which is a progress as in the past I was unable to understand a single word, and the unfairness I was victim from some years ago made me reluctant to even think of learning Dutch. But I got over that. And the girl I love is Dutch, as you know, and for her I am ready to do any effort, and to put all my good will and my focus into learning the language her beloved family speaks.


Showing new parts of the garden

Today I showed new parts of the garden, on which I've been working in order to start planting some winter crops! I'm really proud of...