Monday 13 May 2024

Speaking from the garden - 11th-12th of May

In a series of short, non-professional, spontaneous videos*, The Prince of Ylliriel (Erik Zakhia) shows a few areas of the garden he takes care of, explaining what agroforestry and permaculture are about, in simple words and images. 

The Prince of Ylliriel is going to try to do such videos on a regular basis (once per week for instance) to show the progression of the most thriving parts of the garden, while progressively exposing his vision about plants and agriculture. 

You can read more about The Prince of Ylliriel on (where you can find on this link his curriculum vitae told as a story) and on (A Fantasy-Historical Novel) where you can read more about the books he is co-writing with Annelies Broeders. You can also discover more posts about the Fantasy Garden of Ylliriel on

Saturday 11th of May: in front of the barnhouse / in front of the pond

Sunday 12th of May: in the garden by the sea

Nota Bene: the videos are taken on Erik's cellphone that is quite old (for environmental reasons The Prince of Ylliriel does not replace his electronic devices as long as they work); moreover, Erik chose to do these videos in a spontaneous manner, without preparing and writing a script beforehand, as agriculture and gardening are also spontaneous disciplines. Erik perceives the planting of his family garden in an intuitive and creative manner, never limiting himself to what he hears or reads, but instead always trying to experiment, in order to shape his garden in quite a unique way. 

Erik cultivates his family garden in an entirely organic way, making no use of chemical and biological products. 

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