Wednesday 15 May 2024

Turning bitter oranges into candied fruits - 14th of May

The Fantasy Garden of Ylliriel is always productive, and has many harvests of different kinds to offer every day. 

Today, Tuesday 14th of May 2024, the Prince of Ylliriel harvested a large salad (generously covering the need of a family of five persons for two days), two large bowls of mulberries (the season just started), some ripe strawberries, a basin of basil turned into pesto, and three kilograms of bitter oranges. The video below is mainly about the preparation of bitter oranges into a jam, or candied fruits, that the Prince of Ylliriel himself prepares. 

Needless to say that everything in the Fantasy Garden of Ylliriel is entirely natural and organic. 


  1. Hallo Erik. Wat heerlijk die jam van bittere sinaasappelen. Dat is mijn favoriete jam! En dan nog biologisch en zelfgemaakt!Hopelijk mag ik het een keertje proeven. Heb je ook kruisbessen in je tuin? Ik volg je tuinavonturen op de voet en ben jaloers op jullie lekkere fruit en sla. Dat hebben wij niet in Nederland!Ik had natuurlijk al eerdere fotos van je vader gezien van jullie tuin maar die filmpjes zijn leuker. Eet smakelijk...

    1. Hello Ellen, thank you very much for your comment! I am glad and honored that you are following my permaculture and agroforestry adventures! You are most welcome to come visit the Fantasy Garden of Ylliriel (Amchit) and taste the bitter orange jam or candied fruits, and if one day I come to the Netherlands I will make sure to get some of it in my luggage! We do not have gooseberries, no, but we have mulberries and strawberries. I think that the gooseberries sprout better in the mountains in the climate where I live (I've seen some at 700 meters height, but not on the coast), but in case you give me a small slip I will try to see if it sprouts. Sorry I do not respond to you in Dutch, because I would need to use a translating tool to do so. I am trying to learn some of your language, but it's hard, and for now I'm starting to recognize and memorize words, but the structure of sentences is a bit difficult - I am not entirely focused on this now, as learning a new language requires time and attention. One day, hopefully, it will get easier. Best regards, and I wish you all the best in your garden too, as my father told me you liked nature very much too! The Netherlands have beautiful landscape that are quite unique, and that I sincerely hope to see again one day. All this water, mirroring the sky, these pale colors that sometimes get more intense, this wind...


Showing new parts of the garden

Today I showed new parts of the garden, on which I've been working in order to start planting some winter crops! I'm really proud of...