Wednesday 29 May 2024

The first tiny pumpkin fruits

The pumpkin vines I planted three, two and one months ago started flowering and producing tiny fruits, a few of which I took in picture. As the summer arrives, the pumpkin vines will grow, and their fruits may reach really large sizes, and quite decorative shapes!

My brother and I often make a joke. A lot of people our age (who are in their 30s or 20s) go to the gym in order to remain fit, and take "proteins" to have muscles, which is really bad for the health. 

But in reality, the honest work that needs to be done in a garden, is even better than going to the gym. It's free, healthy, useful and interesting. Digging, sawing and moving stones and soil for instance, are very intense activities that I practice on a daily basis. Having a garden is a beautiful thing, but even a balcony, or a shared little piece of land, can produce interesting yields when planted intelligently. 

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