Wednesday 29 May 2024

Lo spirito Fiorentino


This is what my classmates wrote about me in 2009, my last year at the Grand Lycée Franco-Libanais, when I obtained my French Baccalaureate. This text appeared in the annual publication of the school.

It is my brother who sent it to me today, because there is a mention to la Fiorentina, the soccer team we both support.

Tonight, in five minutes, the final game of the European Conference League will start, in between the Fiorentina and a Greek team, the Olympiakos, in Greece. La Fiorentina is rather a small team so it's a great achievement to be in final. It's been since 2001 (23 years) that la Fiorentina does not win a competition, and at the time it was a minor one.

Therefore, all what I have to say now is Forza Fiorentina, Alè Viola! I will later post a video that I recorded today where I explain my passion for the Fiorentina. 

I will not watch the game myself, but either my brother, or my twin soul, will communicate to me the results. Because even my twin soul has been converted to the violet colors, as the Fiorentina has a very special history...

"Que le meilleur gagne..." whether la Fiorentina loses, or wins, it's already a great achievement to have reached the final!

But I hope to see la Viola win!


  1. Replies
    1. L'équipe grecque a gagné, c'était un peu triste, surtout que la partie était disputée! Mais bon, l'année prochaine on réessayera, et c'est la beauté du sport, de savoir perdre aussi... et les Grecs étaient contents comme eux non plus ne gagnent jamais, donc ca c'était positif... Félicitations pour ta photo de profil, ce sont tes petits enfants?


Showing new parts of the garden

Today I showed new parts of the garden, on which I've been working in order to start planting some winter crops! I'm really proud of...