Tuesday 21 May 2024

Underneath the largest tree of the garden

The Prince of Ylliriel expresses himself in a series of five non-profession, spontaneous videos, underneath the largest tree of the garden. 

The quality of the videos is not always great and the environment is noisy at times as there is the passing maritime coastal road nearby this section of the garden. The aim of the Prince however, is not yet to communicate all what he has learnt and discovered with a large public, but rather with the few friends who believe in this story, and with those who have wronged him, preferring to hide behind their prejudices rather than giving him a chance to speak. 

Now, encouraged by The Princess of Ylliriel, Annelies Broeders the Fair and the Wise, the Prince has decided to speak, and to stand up for his rights, his ideas, his convictions, and hers. 

The Prince challenges those who put his words in doubt to come visit him in the Fantasy Garden of Ylliriel, and to leave the past behind. 

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