Wednesday 22 May 2024

From the second rooftop

The Prince of Ylliriel speaks from the rooftop of the house. Each available surface is used to plant, but not only! The Prince built glass constructions to produce homemade raw salt, and to dry fruits and tomatoes naturally, with the light and the warmth of the sun. 

On another note, the bitter orange jam is ready. The three kilograms of bitter oranges filled four large jars, and the yearly production is of around twelve jars. I promise that for each person who will be kind and loving toward the Princess of Ylliriel (Annelies Broeders), there will be a special jar!


  1. Hallo Erik, waarom begin je geen webshop? Er is vast wel interesse in jouw bioligische spullen. Of eet jouw familie alles op? Interessant ook dat zout! Succes ,Ellen

    1. Hello Ellen, thank you for your interest and for your comment. For now I am focused on writing my books and novels, and taking care of the garden and of all the little creatures that live inside. So for now I wouldn't have the time or the interest to have a webshop. And usually all what I cultivate and produce I share with my family, and also with my grandparents, (or with friends who would come visit us, like you for instance one day!) etc. And the things I put in jars can stay for a year or even more, so I prefer to keep them, because at least I know it's entirely natural, which is not the case of things we get from the market. And we use a lot of salt, for instance in preparing tomato sauces that I often cook outside in the garden on a wood fire, or in doing pickles. So at the end we end up using everything I produce... My real interest, to be honest with you, would not be to sell things, but rather to share my knowledge and all what I learn, in a subtle way, in the novels I write, to encourage other people to start producing themselves things, and show them that it is possible to. In the last years I've learnt to produce myself: raw salt, vinegar, jams, sauces, syrups, molasses, dry herbs, dry fruits, dry tomatoes; I've also cultivated all sorts of plants, trees, shrubs. What I show in the videos is only a small fragment of what I do, and what I did in the last years, as in each season (and each year) there are plants from different species that sprout. My dream is to share all that in the books I write (or co-write, rather), and also, why not one day open a small school to teach children to plant and take care of a garden. But I wish to have my Angel close to me, before doing that.


Showing new parts of the garden

Today I showed new parts of the garden, on which I've been working in order to start planting some winter crops! I'm really proud of...