Wednesday 12 June 2024

A proud alumni of the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

On this link and on the images underneath, you can also see the proof that the Prince is an alumni of the prestigious EPFL. A couple of months ago, the Prince sent the copy of his diplomas and his grades to the entourage of the Faerie Princess. However, it seems that it was not enough to convince them. For the information of Red-Oak, the Prince doesn't know how to use photoshop, and never used such programs in his life. However, if they doubted of the pdf documents the Prince sent them, they cannot doubt of what they will see on the link the Prince invites them to visit, as that wepbage is only open to EPFL Alumnis, and all the content posted there is submitted to verification by the university before appearing. 

Moreover, on the screenshots below, you can see the EPFL Alumni profile of the Prince. This website ( is however only open to EPFL alumni and the employers who have jobs offers, therefore you won't be able to visit the Prince's profile, except if you know someone who graduated from EPFL, or if you post a job offer. You can see on the first picture underneath the alumni email address of the Prince. However, the Prince cannot send emails with this address; alumni email addresses only allow to receive emails. Therefore the Prince invites Red-Oak, Green-Rose and Little-Flute (and anyone else who doubts!) to send him an email on that address in order to verify it!

The Prince did not limit himself to obtaining his master degree in engineering from the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne that ranks at the 11th place worldwide in engineering. He got a full scholarship over two years that covered entirely all expenses thanks to his excellent result, and at the end of his master studies, the Prince received the 2nd prize for excellency. This prize is given to the three students who obtain the best results and grades, but also display a very positive attitude and behavior that entirely reflects the values and ethics of EPFL.
Therefore, this is yet another proof of the fairness of the Prince, and how those who unfairly accused him did not even do their research correctly before accusing him. 

You can see the four citizenships the Prince has by birth right underneath. You can also see that the Prince is not looking for a job, as his aim is to co-publish his first novels. The Prince included no section specific to his writing projects, nor about his agroforestry enterprise, as his aim is not to network with his ex-colleagues and fellow students, but to prove to the entourage of the Faerie Princess the solid background he has.

Therefore what you see on these screenshots has much more value than a linkedin profile! Because someone can invent to himself or herself a fictitious life on linkedin, while the website of EPFL Alumnis is open only to the students who succesfully completed their studies at EPFL, and all the info posted here are submitted to the university before publication.

The main profile of the Prince is not open to a public that did not graduate from EPFL, however the official summarized CV of the profile is available on the link provided at the beginning of this post

The Prince has been working on his EPFL Alumni Profile in the last days, and tonight he received the announce that his profile was published. By doing a google search, you will be able to find directly from there the above link, but it may take a few days for search engines to reference the Prince's profile. 

As you can see on the above link, there is no way of cheating. The website is that of EPFL Alumni, and even the date at which the Prince finished his master study is indicated. 

It is to comply with the demands of the Faerie Princess that the Prince has taken the trouble to activate his EPFL Alumni Profile.

For years, because of the deep unfairness the Prince suffered from, he became so disgusted with the world he just wished to disappear, and this is why he closed all his social network and professional profiles. He did that by the fault of the harsh and unfair words and accusations he received, that wounded him very deeply, and made him lose faith in the goodness of humanity.

However the Prince has now decided to return into the world he left, fearlessly, and to claim his innocence, and to hold accountable those who committed acts of corruption because of their prejudices and mental rigidity, wounding an innocent child that later became a wounded adult, perpetuating the unfairness she was taught to live with in her childhood. 
Therefore the Prince asks Justice for himself and for the Faerie Princess, Annelies Broeders!

And this is how the public and certified EPFL Alumni CV of the Prince looks like. You can visit it directly on the above link, or through google search.

It is at EPFL that the Prince met the Faerie Princess. Well, their first encounter happened outside EPFL grounds, in the old town of Lausanne.

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