Sunday 16 June 2024

The progression of the passion fruits' vines

 The Prince of Ylliriel speaks from the garden by the sea...

There are litterally hundreds of passion fruits that have formed, but are still green. In a few weeks, they will turn red, violet or pink, and become ready to be picked. It is the Prince who planted those passion fruit vines from seeds four years ago, in raised beds of his invention.

Nearby the passion fruit vines, the Prince also planted sweet potatoes, from slips. The sweet potatoes are doing very well, and every day or every two days the Prince unearthes around 1 kg of sweet potatoes for family consumption. The Prince also picks variegated salads composed in part from sweet potato leaves on a daily basis. 

When the sweet potatoes are unearthed, the Prince does it delicately not to damage the plant - as you can see on the image above, the sweet potato vine is still alive, despite having dug all around to find the potatoes underneath the ground.

Underneath you can see pictures of capers and sea fennels. It is right now the season of both. The Prince harvests every week capers that he keeps in vinegar and salt, and sea fennels salads, that are excellent to accompany fish, or potatoes. Sea fennel is naturally salty as it grows close to the sea. The Prince has favored the growth of these wild plants, protecting them, in order to make them domestic to the garden. 

Yesterday the Prince photographed a clear, yellow sunset from the rooftop of the barnhouse (to which he built a stairway). Depending on the cloud cover, and on the season, the sunset changes colors entirely! The Mounts of Ylliriel are known to be perfectly oriented: the sun rises behind the mountains and it sets in the sea directly, or behind its horizon line.

Can you see the passing bird?

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