Thursday 13 June 2024

Underneath a mango tree

The Prince of Ylliriel speaks from underneath a mango tree and a rose bush and explains the reason for which the entourage of the Faerie Princess could not understand him. The Prince of Ylliriel, contrarily to most of persons, gives his entire heart to the Angel he loves. That means that if he sees his Angel in pain, he will do everything he can to help her, including going out from his way to. The entourage of the Faerie Princess is used to more pragmatic, down-to-earth and straight to the point attitudes. They are not used to someone who is entirely disinterested, and only acts with the purest intentions. This is the reason for which they always looked at the Prince with distrust. 

"Why is the Prince writing us when we don't answer him?" the entourage of the Faerie Princess always wondered, without understanding that in front of them they have a very fair, very determined, idealist person, who will never abandon the Faerie Princess, Annelies Broeders, in her pain and her childhood trauma, and do all what he can to get her out from this. 

And now, they are starting to understand, as they see, to their great surprise, that the Faerie Princess seems in perfect agreement with the Prince. They would have never expected that. They would have never expected the Faerie Princess to feel represented by each word they received from the Prince. And this is causing Red-Oak, Green-Rose and Little-Flute to seriously question their judgements, as all of a sudden, the Prince of Ylliriel is increasingly appearing as a fair and righteous character to them. 

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