Friday 14 June 2024

Solid evidences

Already six years and a half ago, the Prince of Ylliriel had solid evidences that the Faerie Princess (Annelies Broeders) loved him with all her heart, and asked for his help to heal from her childhood trauma. This is the reason that explains all what he did...

These are other strawberries...

And this is the progression of the pumpkin vines in one of the areas of the garden where the Prince built raised beds...


  1. What a beautifull weather! Here in NL it is cold and windy,and raining all the time! I wear still my winter raincoat. Here the potatoes rot away! A big problem!
    I not quiet agree that we NL are not emotional, some are, some aren't and maybe we show ot in a different way! Have a nice day!

    1. Send us some rain dear Ellen, please! I would have a bit less work in the garden if it rained, but it almost never rains from June till August on the coast. And about being emotional or not: I said what my twin soul shared with me. I do not know personally a lot of Dutch persons. I know that what she told me is true in her entourage. I am against general prejudices, so I do not generalize either, because clichés are generally wrong. The proof is that my twin soul is highly emotional, and that is a counterexample. Also where I live, there are people who fall on the entire spectrum of being emotional or not. My videos do not aim to claim general truths, but to defend myself of the unfairness that was committed against me around six years ago. In my personal story, I think that what I said is true. Had the people in the entourage of the Faerie Princess had had a bit more heart, nothing of all this suffering would have happened, not for her, nor for me, nor for my family. Sorry about my bluntness.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Thank you for speaking with such strength and kindness of my family, dear Ellen. I am honored.


Showing new parts of the garden

Today I showed new parts of the garden, on which I've been working in order to start planting some winter crops! I'm really proud of...