Wednesday 17 July 2024

Avoiding to take responsibility

Dear Red-Oak, Dear Green-Rose,

By claiming that the Faerie Princess is mentally unbalanced, you are avoiding to take responsibility for your acts and your mistakes, and the wound you imposed on her, during her childhood.

This is a very ugly and negative trait of your culture: each time you are confronted with a problem or a challenge, each time you meet someone who has a unusual gift, you start waving the flag of mental problems. You are incapable of appreciating creativity, you are incapable of appreciating a person who thinks with his or her own head, and feels with his or her own heart. In fact, accusing someone else of having mental problems is like a tool of oppression, because, in that way, you force people to conform, to all imitate one another. 

I ask you to grow up from this childish state in which you both plunged yourselves. I ask you to take responsibility for all what happened. The Faerie Princess is your daughter! You should love her beyond any other consideration! Your first and main concern should be to help her heal from her childhood trauma and feel better.

You cannot allow any external person to stand between you and your daughter, especially not persons who lack of compassion and comprehension toward your daughter. 

Sorry about my bluntness, but I was very much shocked by what the Faerie Princess communicated to me.

The Faerie Princess is an entirely healthy person. She has a trauma, a deep fear related to that trauma. And yet, having a childhood trauma has nothing to do with having a mental unbalance. Really nothing to do. I have noticed, and it is not the first time, that the people of your culture are in too much hurry to use words related to mental sanity. And it is very shocking to me that rather than self-questioning, you prefer to doubt of the mental sanity of your own daughter, or to listen to the negative voices that dare to do so. 

Before this entire story, the Faerie Princess was well-integrated in the community, well-appreciated by her friends, and a brilliant student. Those qualities she had did not evaporate. Simply, she was confronted with a situation reminding her of another situation, of the day Red-Oak left home, shattering the very concept of home forever. The Faerie Princess panicked, did mistakes, is still stuck somehow in those mistakes. But that does not allow you do doubt of the mental sanity of your daughter.

When you do, you are lying to yourselves, sorry. 

You should be by her side, protecting her, helping her, offering her all your love.

And you aren't.

And you should be ashamed of having so abandoned the Princess when she most needed you.

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