Wednesday 31 July 2024

With my little cat-friend

Today I spoke with my little-cat friend close to me...

And this is a picture with my great grandmother who had the cats I spoke of in the video, when I was a kid. The picture is taken in 1999, in her old, historical house. I am the little boy with the white shirt (I was around 8 years old), and I hold my sister who was around 1 year old on my knees. I will remove this picture in 24 hours for privacy reasons. The old woman is my great grandmother, who sadly left us many years ago. She was already more than 90 years old in this picture. She was active, went out to walk in the village, and cooked for the entire family till her very last days. May she pray for us from above, and guide me along this path. Her name was Hind. She is remembered as a strong-willed, good-hearted and fair person. She also liked to plant. I used to play cards with her. I have tears in my eyes while writing these words...


  1. Ik ben ook dol op katten ,ik heb er nu 2 die langs de weg zijn gevonden. Ze waren verwaarloosd maar hebben nu een mooi leven. Ik heb ook een hond en kleine schaapjes. Helaas is er een gemeen virus in NL,blauwtongvirus, waardoor veel schapen sterven. Helaas ook een paar van mij...

    1. I'm sorry to hear that Ellen. It must be something extremely painful. I am very sensitive to animal's pain, cannot even speak about it. It can make me cry.
      And bravo for rescuing cats and taking care of them. They must be very grateful toward you.


Showing new parts of the garden

Today I showed new parts of the garden, on which I've been working in order to start planting some winter crops! I'm really proud of...