Sunday 25 August 2024

First testimonial

Dear Red-Oak, Green-Rose,


One of our faithful friends has written the first testimonial for my tale with the Faerie Princess (Annelies Broeders), and this testimonial is very beautiful and literary.

I invite you to read it, either from the home page of the Oath of Delft:

You will need to click on the testimonial to read it entirely, as the first two lines solely appear on the home page.

Or you can directly go on the Testimonial section to read it:

I will share my comment on the testimonial afterwards. First, I wish to give you the opportunity to read it, and appreciate it.

Also, you must know something, dear Red-Oak. All our friends, who are external to this story, yet know me personally, are ready and willing to discuss with you all, the day on which you will want to have a direct contact. It is true those friends do not necessarily contact you directly, to respect your privacy (even though you have shown some willingness to listen behind your wall of silence). But those friends are here, daily, or weekly, as you can see.

Some friends have written to you directly.

All these friends can answer to your questions about me. All these friends can become your friends too. They can help you, guide you, to take a decision.

And that is also valid for you, Green-Rose, Little-Flute (and for all those who are reading me in silence). 

If you have a doubt about the authenticity of the testimonial we received, try to connect the dots. Try to mathematically think of whether it is authentic or not, by looking carefully at all the interactions that happened on this platform. And you will get your answer. You will see that there are real people of real worth that believe firmly in this story, and are ready to take a lot of their time to help, and show their support, because they believe an unfairness was committed.

Why do they do it? You may wonder. What do they have to gain from it?

This is our the problem of modern human beings. A lot of people believe that other people only act out of interest.

Yet, dear friends, there is a very antique notion called "friendship". Another notion called "true love". A third notion called "sense of fairness and justice".

Not all the people of this world are moved by material interest. There are people in this world who in front of an unfairness, in front of human suffering, will do everything to correct the situation causing these sufferings. This is what makes a human being noble. This is what elevates us beyond our "mortal" nature.

We will be recalled in future for the noble deeds we did.

This is why this story is also an interesting lesson of life, and of friendship.

From day 1 I repeat to you that I wish to be your friend. Will you accept this friendship one day?

If you have doubts, please do not hesitate to contact any of the external friends who follow this story. Please.

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