Friday 16 August 2024

The feast of the Holy Virgin

Today, the 15th of August, is an important feast in Mount Lebanon. The tradition was to light a fire that evening, we always did that in my childhood, roasting potatoes, onions and garlic in it. In my video, I tell you briefly about the history of this feast. 

And this is a hibiscus flower that bloomed today for my Dutch friends, harboring their beloved oranje color ! It is a really young hibiscus I planted three years ago from I slip I had cut, so it does not do a lot of flowers as it is still small.

I also got my fourth recommendation on linkedin. You can see them and read them directly and publicly on my profile: 

And my question to Red-Oak (and Green-Rose and Little-Flute) is the following: do you think that all these very respectable persons who occupy prestigious positions are lying by saying very positive words about me, about my technical skills and my brightness, but also about being a fair and kind-hearted and trustworthy person, or are you starting to understand you made a grave mistake, and that you deeply wronged me with your behaviors and rash acts?
Are you starting to understand, Red-Oak, that because of your rigidity you trapped the Faerie Princess - Annelies Broeders - into a very heavy silence she cannot break?

And those public recommendations are only one piece of the puzzle, as you've already received two direct letters of support, from equally respectable persons.

I advise you to seriously think about my words, and to revise your position, Red-Oak, as it is not sustainable. If you wish to hug again on your heart the Faerie Princess, you will have to make an effort to understand her.


  1. Replies
    1. Even the colors of this blog are in orange :) ! I wish to plant some orange tulips, and some tulips in general. I don't know if they would sprout here!

    2. Moeilijk denk ik. Tulpen plant je in het najaar en hebben kou nodig om te groeien. Met warmte komen er teveel schimmels e.d.

    3. You will be surprised Ellen, but tulips can grow here !


Showing new parts of the garden

Today I showed new parts of the garden, on which I've been working in order to start planting some winter crops! I'm really proud of...