Friday 24 May 2024

A new raised bed for a little papaya tree

The Prince of Ylliriel presents the new raised bed he built to plant a small papaya tree he made sprout from a seed, as well as several other plants he planted around. 

In the Fantasy Garden of Ylliriel, almost all plants and trees are planted from seeds or slips, in a nursery the Prince takes care of. A lot of persons who have gardens buy trees and plants that are already grown: that solution is easier, but the Prince finds more value in making the plants grow from seeds himself, as at the end, he usually obtains plants that are more adapted to the microclimate of his garden. 

Also, the Prince in his early youth collected flowering plants, that still adorn the garden with their flowers. He thus has hibicus and bougainvillea trees of many different colors, a few of them are shown underneath.

There are many more flowering trees, shrubs and plants that are starting to blossom, but the garden is quite large, and the time of the Prince counted to photograph them all. All these trees and plants, the Prince made grow from slips, around fifteen years ago, and now, these little plants have become large trees and shrubs, the Prince has taken care of and watered for more than a decade.

You can discover more pictures of the grand garden of Ylliriel on

You can also read about the Prince's resolve to correct the unfairness he was victim from on 

The Princess of Ylliriel (Annelies Broeders) has always been the Prince's inspiration to plant beautiful flowers and a marvelous garden. Even before meeting her, those seeds and slips he planted were already dedicated to her. Because, in the Prince's eyes, the Princess is as beautiful, mysterious and fair as the most enchanted garden. She is a book he can never get tired to read, the most beautiful novel ever written. She is the fantasy heroine of his life. The Prince firmly believes in his Princess, and will always believe in her. He knows her real worth, and her real potential. He knows she will one day bloom like the most beautiful of roses. 

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