Saturday 25 May 2024

Speaking from the lowest part of the garden

The Prince of Ylliriel speaks from the lowest part of the garden, close to the valley that becomes a river during the winter. Then he also speaks from the top of the barnhouse to show the wind that was blowing in the tall trees around.


Faerie Princess, I will answer your question tomorrow. I need to think about which literary hero resembles me the most for a bit longer. On a side note, I just saw the hedgehog: I hope he will bring us some good luck! 



  1. Hoi Erik. Ik zag een prachtige muur met mooie stenen in je tuin. Wat een imposante omheining. Je sprak laatst dat je niet wist hoe je over de muur kon komen om naar je geliefde te gaan. Om dat te bereiken, Erik, zijn er ook anderen dan jezelf nodig. Dus de verantwoordelijkheid ligt niet aan alleen bij jou. Met hulp en aktie en moed van anderen zal de muur steen voor steen worden afgebroken en komt er licht in de duisternis. Ik duim voor jullie

    1. Thank you for your beautiful words, Ellen. I like the metaphors you use! About the wall in the garden, here as the landscape is hilly and mountainous, our ancestors built walls and terraces hundreds of years ago in order to retain the soil and cultivate the land. There are places in the mountains that look like natural amphitheaters so many terraces there are, at regular intervals - they're a beautiful sight. And about the other wall preventing my Angel to be herself: I know that not everything is in between my own hands, yet in the past years, I did nothing during a lot of time, because I was so scared of what had happened. So now I thought it could be helpful to show myself, and to let my voice be heard, as this is the only tool I have to carry my message to those who never accepted to give me a chance to explain myself. After what happened six years ago, I entirely disappeared from the internet, so great was the pain I felt. I closed all my accounts. And till now, I really only take a few careful steps, because I have myself developed a general distrust of the world, and of society, after what happened to me. I've always been an introverted person who preferred to have quietness around, but in the last years I've become a really solitary person, having my loving family, and the loving little creatures of the garden around. But, because of what happened, I feel a lot of unease in society, because the idea that my word was placed in doubt, the idea of having been accused not to say the truth, placed a barrier between me and others. And honestly I will not be able to remove this barrier on my own, as long as my Angel does not say publicly, by showing her face, and with her own voice, that even six years ago, I had acted for the best, and with the best interests, and that what happened was not my fault, but the fault of her childhood trauma. She knows it, she recognizes it, but she herself has a trauma and phobia similar to mine (but even worse I think) preventing her to do a lot of things, and making her hide, and use very strange means to communicate directly with me. So, when things are not moving, I feel the pressure to act, to do something. And yet I can only go very slowly, because sincerely, what happened six years ago has broken things in me. There are a lot of things I cannot do, and so I have to find a way to move around them. This is why I had this idea to create the fictional identity of the Prince of Ylliriel last year, slowly bridging this fictional identity with who I am, because I am not comfortable to appear under my real name as long as I am not entirely cleared of all the bad and lieful things that have been said about me... Thank you for your support, Ellen, it touches me a lot.


Showing new parts of the garden

Today I showed new parts of the garden, on which I've been working in order to start planting some winter crops! I'm really proud of...