Saturday 6 July 2024



This picture represents the blazon of my family (the Italian side of my family). You can read the last name of Dreamy-painter on the blazon. I will use both my last names, from both sides, to sign the novels I will write and publish with the Faerie Princess.

This, to tell you, that from both sides, my family has a history.

I personally do not care about origins. For me an aristocrat or a poor person deserve to have the same chances in life. Someone should be judged on his deeds, and not on his origins. 

However, those who so unfairly and cruelly accused me probably care about origins. They dared to judge me on my origins, lying, and lying by omission, about me. Before accusing someone, make sure of your facts! That is the basis of the basis. Yet those people forgot that, even. 

They entirely lacked good-manners, compassion, and wisdom.

This picture should answer their prejudices, all their false ideas. 

Vincenti means Winners. Winnaars.

I can now entirely understand the embarrass of Red-Oak, as he understands he was misled in this story. 

Yet, it is his fault if this all happened. Had he been more careful, wiser, and more loving, he would have understood the Faerie Princess, his own daughter, was not doing well, and was lying, because of her childhood trauma, terror and phobia. 

I ask Justice from Red-Oak. Justice for me, and Justice for the Faerie Princess. 

Perhaps in the Dutch culture a person who is accused unfairly is supposed to stay silent and say nothing at all, and wait for those who wronged him and harmed him to send written authorization allowing to contact them directly. However, let me remind you dear friends, that before being Dutch, Italian, French, or Lebanese, we are citizens of the world. An injustice was committed. Lies were said. Serious harm was done. And five years and nine months and twenty-four days afterwards justice has not been given still. 

Therefore, despite being a very respectful person, I have chosen to entirely disregard your conventions, and to write freely. I am a fair person, a believer in Christian values, and will never harm those who have harmed me. Yet, I will ask, day and night, and in every possible mean (while keeping my fairness, my kindness, my nobility of heart and of soul) to those people to hear me, encouraging one by one, all my friends, to intervene, and show Red-Oak the extent of his mistake. 

I do not seek revenge. I only seek justice, understanding, and friendship.

But I am angry. A lot of time has passed. The Faerie Princess is still trapped in her childhood trauma, in part. Therefore, I ask you, Red-Oak, Green-Rose, to find the courage to do what is right for your daughter, and you, Little-Flute, for your sister. 

Feeling shame for what happened, for the three of you, is the first step to recognize your mistake. And I personally am an elegant winner. Once you recognize your judgement was false, I will give you my hand, and make you participate in this victory, and find a renewed happiness in life you did not suspect possible. 

However, right now, you need to find some courage, please. 

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