Saturday 20 July 2024

Speaking of moral corruption

Today, after showing the garden on our rooftop, that is a cozy place where to sit, listen to music, contemplate the moon and the stars (this evening the moon was really large and I think it was full moon), I spoke of moral corruption.

I personnally am an incorruptible person. No amount of money can convince me to ever change my ideals. 

But, what people often forget, is that corruption is not only present in large things, but also in smaller ones. Each person sometimes commits small acts of corruption in his or her daily basis.

An excess of pragmatism, that tolerates the status quo of the world, is an act of corruption. A person who says: "oh, you have a trauma because your parents divorced? But a lot of people divorce and it is allowed by the law..." is also committing an act of corruption.

Something allowed by the law is not necessarily something good. The worse things of human history were allowed by the law. And something forbidden by the law is not necessarily something bad. This is what a lot of people are unfortunately too down-to-earth to understand. 

So the real compass should not be the law, but our conscience. People who blindly follow the law are committing small acts of corruption on a daily basis. Human beings were not born and created to follow blindly things. Reflection is needed at each instant of our life.

On a side note: Dear Red-Oak, Green-Rose, Little-Flute and Yna. I've posted another letter for you at the same place I had spoken to you about in my direct communication to you of the 14th of July 2024. The password is the same I had indicated to you. In future, I will not notify you when I write there. You must take the habit to check that "secret diary" on a daily basis. 

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