Wednesday 28 August 2024

For my friends

Dear friends / acquaintances,

Some of you have found / will find about this blog. You probably do not know all the details of this story, that cannot be shared publicly to respect the privacy of all. You can however write me directly to ask me questions about this story. I am an entirely honest person, in the sense that if you wish to write the entourage of the Faerie Princess a letter of support for me, I will answer all your questions. If you do not wish to do so, you can still follow this story on the blogs. Or, if you are not interested, you can just forget about it altogether.

The purpose of this blog is very clear. It is not a blog "to have fun", or to make myself known. It is a tool that I use to communicate with the family of the Faerie Princess on a daily basis, as a "non-intrusive" communication form. Emails do not allow to send videos of more than 20 or 25 MB, so this blog offers me the opportunity to show my daily surrounding to the entourage of the Faerie Princess, in a way that by now they are starting to know quite well the landscapes of the gardens of which I take care of. So even if this blog is public, its content is rather private, and not meant for a larger public to appreciate it.

This blog has two aims:

1- To build trust in between the entourage of the Faerie Princess and me (to make them trust me), as, because of my origins, because of my creative mind, they distrusted me before trying to know me;

2- To help the Faerie Princess (Annelies Broeders) to heal.

When we speak in terms of pseudonyms and characters, it is to give a literary, poetic touch to what we write, but also to keep the privacy of everyone involved.

And if you are a friend / acquaintance of the Faerie Princess who end up on this blog and wish to help, please feel free to contact me on erikvincentizakhia (at) gmail (dot) com. The Faerie Princess is trapped within her silence. So if she doesn't answer to you, please, contact me.

And those are a few pictures taken two days ago in the garden.

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