Friday 30 August 2024

Picking a pumpkin

Today I picked a pumpkin in live and discovered a ladybug underneath. Let's hope she will bring us good luck, and make Fieno return (he still did not return). 

This area of the garden, I created from nothing building raised beds according to the principles of hügelkultur (placing pieces of wood, dry leaves, green leaves, kitchen wastes, ashes and a bit of soil on top) and it became one of the most thriving area of the garden.

In the video, I also show the daily salad. I obtain a fresh, bountiful, entirely organic and healthy salad from the garden for the entire family 365 days over 365 thanks to my hard, and creative, endeavors, as I've found a unique mixture of plants and green leaves that thrive in every season.

There is a new, secondary, outsider character in this tale, who nicknamed himself (or herself) "the Dragon". The Dragon is an unexpected friend of the Prince and the Princess, who discovered this blog, which deeply resonated with his, or her, values. The Dragon wishes to remain anonymous, and for that reason, the mystery will be kept. 

So, the Dragon has nothing to do with this story, and even ignores its most cruel details. Yet he was moved by what he read and dared to express himself, and write the Prince direct emails, in a poetic, lyrical form, asking the Prince for his advices (as the Dragon also believes in the unicity of true love). The Prince congratulates the Dragon for his courage, and asks the Dragon if he (or she) would be willing to comment publicly on this blog and / or on (The Oath of Delft) expressing, in his lyrical fantasy style in which ways the story of the Prince and the Princess touched him (on this blog), and imagining the future of the Prince and the Princess together and how the success of such a love story would impact the world (on the Oath of Delft, in the testimonial section). Of course, those are only suggestions of the topics the Dragon can write about. The Prince prefers the Dragon to come up with something entirely original.

The Prince would totally understand if the Dragon is too shy (or too far from the Earth's surface) to do so. 

And if the Dragon wonders what is the point of doing that:

The Prince believes that every little act of support to this story can help Red-Oak and Green-Rose (the characters that are called the Earl and the Countess on the blog of the Princess) open their eyes as to the real potential of this story. From the beginning, Red-Oak thought the Prince to be a mere nuisance coming from a faraway kingdom. In the last ten months or so, Red-Oak has started to understand the Prince was a clever, subtle, idealist person. Yet, the Prince is so different from everything Red-Oak has ever met that Red-Oak has troubles believing / trusting the Prince, especially that the Princess is walled into the silent echo of her childhood trauma, related to the wrong decisions of Red-Oak and Green-Rose.

There are already two friends of the Prince and the Princess who dared to express their support publicly on "The Oath of Delft". The Dragon could be the third courageous soul to do so. Any support would be much appreciated. And any reserve would be entirely understood.

The only thing the Prince asks from the Dragon is that, if he (or she) intervenes, the Prince wishes the Dragon to use the same deep, lyrical, fantasy tone that he used in the emails he wrote. The entourage of the Faerie Princess is highly rational and pragmatic, and the Prince wishes to open their eyes as to the real power of poetry and tales.

The Dragon can of course take several days to take his decision, and he (or she) can privately ask all the questions he wishes to ask about this story to the Prince.

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Showing new parts of the garden

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