Sunday 1 September 2024

The first feel of Fall

Today I spoke from the garden about my sadness for Fieno, and about the general unfairness of the world, and how a life without having any form of faith and spirituality is meaningless in my opinion.

Red-Oak and Green-Rose imposed a cold, rational, pragmatic worldview on the Faerie Princess since her childhood. And it is their fault and responsibility if today the Faerie Princess has so much troubles to heal.

The wind changed direction, some rain clouds started appearing, even if it did not rain yet. The Fall is arriving... I took this video of the sea today.

I will add a note for my new readers who don't know all the details of my story. An unfairness was committed against me six years ago.

The childhood trauma of the Faerie Princess caused her to be extremely scared of love, of the depth of our bond. And while encouraging me, and asking for my help to heal and telling me she loved me like she could never love anyone else, she also felt terrified of the depth of emotions she felt.

Her entourage - Red-Oak in particular - misinterpreted her trouble, deciding I was a really bad person, judging me on my origins, on my creativity, on my alternative worldview, without ever trying to know me, or to understand who I was. He did not even give me a chance. And Red-Oak used his power as a well-respected Tree in the Forest to harm me.

Therefore I now have my reasons when I speak of him, and of all the entourage of the Faerie Princess, using characters that represent them. Even if at the end no permanent harm was done, the harsh words that were said, the harsh deeds that were done, left a deep wound in me. For years I did not dare to express myself any longer. And now I ask for justice.

Justice for the Faerie Princess, as she is the main victim in this story. The victim of parents who did not place her wellfare, the wellfare of their children, as their top priority.

And I was the secondary victim of their mistake, and their lack of good judgement.

All what I am asking for is a handshake. A handshake between Red-Oak and me. Another handshake between Red-Oak and Green-Rose. And the willingness to sit around a table, in the Kingdom of Ylliriel, with the Faerie Princess, and to speak in peace.

As long as I do not obtain that, it is my right to continue doing what I am doing. Had I been less of a kind and an idealist person, I would have used much harsher means to be heard.

But as I said from the start, this is not my intention. I am convinced that at the end, my words will open the hearts of the entourage of the Faerie Princess, and that they will understand their mistake, and give to their daughter all the love, the warmth, the unconditional acceptance and the understanding she lacked from during her life.

And, at the end, it is the Faerie Princess herself who asked me, and is still asking me, to help her heal and obtain justice over her broken childhood, and the terrible trauma she afterwards developed, making her so fearful of true love.

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