Saturday 31 August 2024

A very sad day for me

It was a very sad day for me. We lost Fieno. I discovered him by the street. He was probably hit by a car. He was 2 years and 3 months old. Like all our cats, since his youngest age, I took care of him, giving him three meals a day, curing him when he was sick, and Fieno had the unique priviledge of being allowed to stay in our house for several hours in a row. He had his own couch, went up even at the floor of our bedrooms. Our cats are wild, live in the garden, yet they love to spend time with us.

For me it is really devastating, because they are my best friends.

I believe in God, and I believe in an afterlife for human beings, for cats, for animals in general, and even for plants.
So I do believe that Fieno is right now with the other cats we lost, and that my great grandparents, my grandfather, my great aunt, etc. take care of them in the otherworld.
This is only a small consolation, as I would have preferred Fieno to stay here with us. Everything reminds me of him now.

I only wish the Faerie Princess could come to me, and make this pain more bearable, as the pain of having lost Fieno echoes with the pain of being separated from her, and having not seen her for years.

On a side note, the King of the Netherlands replied it was not in his power to do anything for us, yet his words were kind, and he wished Annelies and I all the best for the future, which I take as a positive sign.

Friday 30 August 2024

Picking a pumpkin

Today I picked a pumpkin in live and discovered a ladybug underneath. Let's hope she will bring us good luck, and make Fieno return (he still did not return). 

This area of the garden, I created from nothing building raised beds according to the principles of hügelkultur (placing pieces of wood, dry leaves, green leaves, kitchen wastes, ashes and a bit of soil on top) and it became one of the most thriving area of the garden.

In the video, I also show the daily salad. I obtain a fresh, bountiful, entirely organic and healthy salad from the garden for the entire family 365 days over 365 thanks to my hard, and creative, endeavors, as I've found a unique mixture of plants and green leaves that thrive in every season.

There is a new, secondary, outsider character in this tale, who nicknamed himself (or herself) "the Dragon". The Dragon is an unexpected friend of the Prince and the Princess, who discovered this blog, which deeply resonated with his, or her, values. The Dragon wishes to remain anonymous, and for that reason, the mystery will be kept. 

So, the Dragon has nothing to do with this story, and even ignores its most cruel details. Yet he was moved by what he read and dared to express himself, and write the Prince direct emails, in a poetic, lyrical form, asking the Prince for his advices (as the Dragon also believes in the unicity of true love). The Prince congratulates the Dragon for his courage, and asks the Dragon if he (or she) would be willing to comment publicly on this blog and / or on (The Oath of Delft) expressing, in his lyrical fantasy style in which ways the story of the Prince and the Princess touched him (on this blog), and imagining the future of the Prince and the Princess together and how the success of such a love story would impact the world (on the Oath of Delft, in the testimonial section). Of course, those are only suggestions of the topics the Dragon can write about. The Prince prefers the Dragon to come up with something entirely original.

The Prince would totally understand if the Dragon is too shy (or too far from the Earth's surface) to do so. 

And if the Dragon wonders what is the point of doing that:

The Prince believes that every little act of support to this story can help Red-Oak and Green-Rose (the characters that are called the Earl and the Countess on the blog of the Princess) open their eyes as to the real potential of this story. From the beginning, Red-Oak thought the Prince to be a mere nuisance coming from a faraway kingdom. In the last ten months or so, Red-Oak has started to understand the Prince was a clever, subtle, idealist person. Yet, the Prince is so different from everything Red-Oak has ever met that Red-Oak has troubles believing / trusting the Prince, especially that the Princess is walled into the silent echo of her childhood trauma, related to the wrong decisions of Red-Oak and Green-Rose.

There are already two friends of the Prince and the Princess who dared to express their support publicly on "The Oath of Delft". The Dragon could be the third courageous soul to do so. Any support would be much appreciated. And any reserve would be entirely understood.

The only thing the Prince asks from the Dragon is that, if he (or she) intervenes, the Prince wishes the Dragon to use the same deep, lyrical, fantasy tone that he used in the emails he wrote. The entourage of the Faerie Princess is highly rational and pragmatic, and the Prince wishes to open their eyes as to the real power of poetry and tales.

The Dragon can of course take several days to take his decision, and he (or she) can privately ask all the questions he wishes to ask about this story to the Prince.

Thursday 29 August 2024

A difficult day

Today was a difficult day. A series of little things.

Fieno, one of our cats, did not show up since this morning. It can happen (rarely) but still I will go to sleep really anxious for him. I hope that he will show up tomorrow morning, or better, now before I go to sleep.

Sometimes I have the impression to have walls all around, unmovable walls. This story is so complicated! And I have so few guarantees, except my intuition, and my trust in the Faerie Princess, and my faith in God and in Fate.

On the bright side, I received a beautifully written message by one of our readers who recently discovered this blog. I invite anyone curious by this story or willing to help, to share their thoughts, publicly, or by email.

Wednesday 28 August 2024

For my friends

Dear friends / acquaintances,

Some of you have found / will find about this blog. You probably do not know all the details of this story, that cannot be shared publicly to respect the privacy of all. You can however write me directly to ask me questions about this story. I am an entirely honest person, in the sense that if you wish to write the entourage of the Faerie Princess a letter of support for me, I will answer all your questions. If you do not wish to do so, you can still follow this story on the blogs. Or, if you are not interested, you can just forget about it altogether.

The purpose of this blog is very clear. It is not a blog "to have fun", or to make myself known. It is a tool that I use to communicate with the family of the Faerie Princess on a daily basis, as a "non-intrusive" communication form. Emails do not allow to send videos of more than 20 or 25 MB, so this blog offers me the opportunity to show my daily surrounding to the entourage of the Faerie Princess, in a way that by now they are starting to know quite well the landscapes of the gardens of which I take care of. So even if this blog is public, its content is rather private, and not meant for a larger public to appreciate it.

This blog has two aims:

1- To build trust in between the entourage of the Faerie Princess and me (to make them trust me), as, because of my origins, because of my creative mind, they distrusted me before trying to know me;

2- To help the Faerie Princess (Annelies Broeders) to heal.

When we speak in terms of pseudonyms and characters, it is to give a literary, poetic touch to what we write, but also to keep the privacy of everyone involved.

And if you are a friend / acquaintance of the Faerie Princess who end up on this blog and wish to help, please feel free to contact me on erikvincentizakhia (at) gmail (dot) com. The Faerie Princess is trapped within her silence. So if she doesn't answer to you, please, contact me.

And those are a few pictures taken two days ago in the garden.

Tuesday 27 August 2024

Cutting a large bough

 Today we had to cut a very large bough from a major eucalyptus tree with some external help... 

Monday 26 August 2024

Late summer afternoon

I spoke from the garden this late afternoon, as the summer is slowly coming to its end... The watering needs will still be very important till the first rains...

And I'm really happy, glad and grateful that the Faerie Princess (Annelies Broeders) and I got more support than we expected on "The Oath of Delft":

Sunday 25 August 2024

First testimonial

Dear Red-Oak, Green-Rose,


One of our faithful friends has written the first testimonial for my tale with the Faerie Princess (Annelies Broeders), and this testimonial is very beautiful and literary.

I invite you to read it, either from the home page of the Oath of Delft:

You will need to click on the testimonial to read it entirely, as the first two lines solely appear on the home page.

Or you can directly go on the Testimonial section to read it:

I will share my comment on the testimonial afterwards. First, I wish to give you the opportunity to read it, and appreciate it.

Also, you must know something, dear Red-Oak. All our friends, who are external to this story, yet know me personally, are ready and willing to discuss with you all, the day on which you will want to have a direct contact. It is true those friends do not necessarily contact you directly, to respect your privacy (even though you have shown some willingness to listen behind your wall of silence). But those friends are here, daily, or weekly, as you can see.

Some friends have written to you directly.

All these friends can answer to your questions about me. All these friends can become your friends too. They can help you, guide you, to take a decision.

And that is also valid for you, Green-Rose, Little-Flute (and for all those who are reading me in silence). 

If you have a doubt about the authenticity of the testimonial we received, try to connect the dots. Try to mathematically think of whether it is authentic or not, by looking carefully at all the interactions that happened on this platform. And you will get your answer. You will see that there are real people of real worth that believe firmly in this story, and are ready to take a lot of their time to help, and show their support, because they believe an unfairness was committed.

Why do they do it? You may wonder. What do they have to gain from it?

This is our the problem of modern human beings. A lot of people believe that other people only act out of interest.

Yet, dear friends, there is a very antique notion called "friendship". Another notion called "true love". A third notion called "sense of fairness and justice".

Not all the people of this world are moved by material interest. There are people in this world who in front of an unfairness, in front of human suffering, will do everything to correct the situation causing these sufferings. This is what makes a human being noble. This is what elevates us beyond our "mortal" nature.

We will be recalled in future for the noble deeds we did.

This is why this story is also an interesting lesson of life, and of friendship.

From day 1 I repeat to you that I wish to be your friend. Will you accept this friendship one day?

If you have doubts, please do not hesitate to contact any of the external friends who follow this story. Please.

The season of pruning

The end of the summer has arrived, and it is the season of pruning. There are trees that grow a lot every year and that shade too much fruit trees in our agroforestry garden that looks like a real wood. So I now have the difficult task to prune those trees that do not provide fruits as much as I can. I am quite limited and would greatly appreciate some help! @Red-Oak, do you like gardening? Would you help me in cutting boughs when you will come? We need to let in more sun in the garden.

Saturday 24 August 2024

- The Oath of Delft -

"The Oath of Delft is a promise Annelies Broeders and Erik Zakhia made to never give up on one another no matter what happens." (

This is what the entourage of the Faerie Princess must understand. An oath is an oath. A promise is a promise.

When such a strong oath has been sworn, when such deep words have been exchanged, nothing, and no one, can stand between the two persons who love one another of such a pure and true love.

I invite the few courageous friends who have been following all this story to write a Testimonial about our story, and imagining our potential together when we will be reunited, and perhaps the way that reunion could take place. To write a testimonial, you can just comment underneath the post (after clicking on that link), and it will appear on the front page of The Oath of Delft.

It is necessary to bring this story into real life, one step after another.

The Oath of Delft, despite being still in a digital form, is a concrete step. It shows all the unfairness of what happened six years ago. It shows that it was not insistency, but loyalty, that motivated my acts. A promise is a promise. An oath cannot be broken. Only lowly persons break oaths.

The Faerie Princess and myself have noble hearts. Despite all the challenges, we cannot break our oath.

And when the Faerie Princess did not say the truth, she felt devastated inside of her, and this is what motivated all her acts in the last six years, and all her life choices, including the way she took a lot of distance with her entourage... to a point where, they don't even know where she is.

And I ask Red-Oak: you know the value of a promise, and an oath, don't you? Would you have been happy for the Faerie Princess to betray her Oath and the word she gave? I am sure you wouldn't. I am sure that deep down you are proud that the Faerie Princess is being faithful to her heart, to her values, to what she believes into. I am sure that once you make peace with her, and with Green-Rose, you won't regret all what happened, because you will then understand the Faerie Princess is a wise and noble person who deserves a lot more from life.

Where I speak of my new project

 I spoke of my new project, Arbaro de Espero, from the rooftop of our house...

Hopefully it will be with the Faerie Princess (Annelies Broeders) that this project will become even more concrete.

Thursday 22 August 2024

Will you have a coffee with me?

Will you have a coffee with me? Red-Oak, Green-Rose, Little-Flute, and all our other faithful friends...

Wednesday 21 August 2024

My first video on Linkedin

This is the first video I post on my Linkedin profile

Can you watch it? Do you have access to it even without having an account on that platform?

This is also the link toward my profile where I got a new recommendation:

I spoke from the rooftop of our house

I spoke this afternoon from the rooftop of our house.

I recorded another long video for linkedin, and wrote a text to introduce it. Yet, I lost that text because of a bug, so I haven't published the video yet.

And this is where I responded to the words and suggestion of one of our faithful readers

And, out of common agreement with the Faerie Princess (Annelies Broeders), we decided to slightly modify the wording used on The Oath of Delft:

Tuesday 20 August 2024

"Non-violent communication"

Dear friends,

One of our most faithful readers made an observation today, about the words published on the blog of the Faerie Princess (Annelies Broeders) and mine, being sometimes a bit harsh toward the Dutch society.

And I wish to answer that observation, as what our friend expressed, is perhaps the silent opinion of other of our readers.

First of all the words used, stating that the Dutch society "is rigid and emotionally stiff" are not mine (a foreigner), but those of the Faerie Princess, who is Dutch, and greatly suffered, and still suffers, from that emotional closeness, and general reluctance to openly express emotions. The Faerie Princess is a very emotional person surrounded since her childhood by people who repress and suppress their emotions.

So she has a cry of her heart to express. Necessarily her words can be a bit painful to read. Even when she asks me to help her express her emotions, do not forget that these words are endorsed by her, publicly, in her name.

Now I understand the point our faithful reader raised, and I can say that in a way our friend is right to have raised this issue, and to highlight the importance of "non-violent communication", and of not statements that can be hurtful / offending, but rather, of writing in a smoother, more consensual way, as it will have more chances to reach the result of peace, harmony, and true love triumph we seek. So I really thank a lot our faithful reader for having expressed this opinion.

However, I also wish to add a few details:

1- Our readers must keep in mind that these blogs are first written for the entourage of the Faerie Princess. When slightly harsh words are used, these words are not directed toward all the citizens of the Lowlands, but rather, at those who hurt and still hurt the Faerie Princess with their emotional stiffness and the fact they do not listen to their hearts.

2- The Faerie Princess is not a fool. She knows where is the limit. She knows what will be acceptable by her entourage and what won't be. She knows that sometimes these people need to be a bit shocked out from their torpor, as nobody ever said in front of them what we are now writing publicly. These people are not used to be criticized (constructively) as they now are on the blogs. All their lives, they sort of thought they knew everything, believing the Western world to be above everything else, and the North European worldview to be the right one, without admitting discussions. The Faerie Princess greatly suffered of this, because she values more the ancient celtic values, for instance. She is a dreamy, kind, emotional person, who found no place for her in this harsh world. 

3- Take a newspaper, turn on a television (those are things I never do, because of my own traumas. I've come to hate newspaper. I don't want to hear bad news any longer). Read about how my country is depicted. It is depicted in very negative ways quite often. And here we are not speaking of emotional stiffness. We are speaking of calling my country really very bad, negative, and offensive names. Grave accusations. So, the way our readers feel when reading the blog, should show them how unfairly their communicating media work. The prejudices of the entourage of the Faerie Princess about me are also caused by all the negative news they've heard about my country during their life. If I am condescending with them, saying "Wow what a perfect country the Netherlands is, and how terrible Lebanon, my country is" it is not going to help my story, as it will reinforce their prejudice that I was interested in the Faerie Princess for her citizenship, for their money / personal fortune, or for God knows what. This is obviously absolutely wrong. But they have deep ingrained prejudices, unconsciously believing that they belong to the civilized world, while that I belong to the "third world". 

I loved the Netherlands. The landscapes. Delft is beautiful. So is Dordrecht. So is Gouda. Scheveningen is beautiful especially during storms. Nijmegen is really pretty.

The character of the Dutch people I met, I liked much less. It happened to me to fall asleep in a coffee place for fifteen minutes, on my chair, after consuming a tea, and eating something, and paying of course for what I had consumed. Immediately, the waitress asked me to wake up or to go out, without any kindness. I had not slept much during the night as I had traveled. And the coffee place was empty (it was around 11 a.m.), so I was not occupying a space that was needed.

This is only an example of the general lack of kindness I've experienced in the lowlands, during my four stays.

This does not mean I didn't meet some kind people too. Once I had some flowers in my hands and an old woman stopped and asked me who was the happy lady these flowers were for.

I also have a couple of Dutch friends I really like, and who are really kind, compassionate and fair persons, without of course forgetting the Faerie Princess whom I love.

So yes, generalizing too much is wrong and can be offensive. Yet it is undeniable that 30%, 40%, 50% of the population has this tendency to be distrustful, to be emotionally stiff, etc.

If you fall asleep in a coffee place at the South of Italy for a few minutes, you can be sure that nobody is going to wake you up, and on the contrary, the waiter / waitress may say a kind word afterwards exchanging a few pleasantries.

But then, of course, again, I am generalizing. Perhaps had I chosen another coffee place, the persons there would have been kinder.

So my aim is really not to offend our faithful readers who read us. Of course, they are not like that. Nor their family. Nor their close friends. 

It is like saying that my country is corrupted. Yes, there are corrupted persons. But no, not all persons are corrupted, far from that. It is offensive to read all day long in foreign newspapers that my country is a corrupted country. It is very offensive.

Especially that corruption does not come from a natural inclination to corruption, but rather, stems from political divisions related to the fact Lebanon is a mosaic of cultures. Political division often results in more corruption.

I cannot deny that there is corruption. I cannot deny that a lot of Lebanese are really good people, but most of these good people do not succeed in reaching high positions in the Lebanese State, because of those political divisions.

But we know about that. We read about that all day long. "Lebanon is the worst country in the world for blablabla, for blablabla, for blablabla."

The entourage of the Faerie Princess has been nourrished with this kind of news since decades.

This is the reason for which, when I visited your dungeons, I was treated in a really very negative and offensive way. They did not show me any consideration. Simply because in the head of the entourage of the Faerie Princess, and in the head of many other people in the Lowlands, coming from Lebanon is something almost insulting, it's like being a "refugee", a person of the street who doesn't has any dignity, something really negative. I cannot really use the appropriate words for privacy reasons.

Who protects me? Who protected me? Who was there to say kind words about my country? Nobody.

All day long newspapers write negative things about the land I come from. And who writes positive things? Nobody. 

It's like the Biblic fight of David against Goliath. Everything is against me.

Of course, I recognize the rightfulness of what one of our most faithful readers wrote, saying that "non-violent communication" is key to finding harmony. I agree wholeheartedly with that statement. Yet, there is an expression in French saying "il faut mettre les points sur les i" - that translates as "we need to put the dots on i's", in the sense that most of the time my communication is really peaceful. Yet, I do not control it entirely, in the sense that the Faerie Princess is half responsible of this communication by my side, even if she doesn't show herself in the same way I do.

Her words about her bitterness at the society in which she grew up still resonate.

And I need to defend my country, as it is all the time criticized and perceived in a very negative way.

I do not do it out of nationalism. I personally wish to abolish the notion of country and have ONE GOVERNMENT for the entire EARTH. My dream is to keep the cultural wealth of each country, of each village, but to have no longer armies and borders and such. In the sense that I wish each citizen to reason as a citizen of the world, and not as a citizen of a particular country.

But along the path to reach that result for which I will advocate in my books co-written with Annelies Broeders, first of all, countries such as Lebanon need to be entirely recognized and respected.

Because as long as great nations are convinced to be better than other nations, there will be no solutions to the problems of the world. Great nations believe they are more important. People there live a life of luxury, of vacations, of trips, taking the airplane, the train, whenever they wish, consuming oil, gas, energy, that come from zones of the world that are not doing well. And then, their newspapers dare to criticize those countries that are not doing well, in part because of their refusal to build a fairer world, where all citizens in the entire world have the right to live a life of dignity. Perhaps without luxury, but a peaceful, deign life.

So the words used on my blogs and those of the Faerie Princess are really modest accusations respect to the words newspapers use when speaking of non-mainstream countries, such as Lebanon. And sometimes I am forced to do so, to show that what happened six years ago is unacceptable, and that as much as Lebanon needs to be reformed, in other ways, the Netherlands (and all Europe, and the United States, and Russia, and China) need to be reformed too.

All countries of this world are right now really not doing well, if we want to say the truth. There are deep society problems everywhere.

People of wealthy, western countries like to think that they are doing well, and that other "third world" countries are not. But this is not the truth, and this is what I am trying to express.

We all live on Earth. We all are citizens of Earth. When there are problems, we are all responsible for those problems. All of us. 

And I will tell you why being emotionally stiff is such a bad thing. Being emotionally stiff prevents you to have compassion for others, to have empathy for others. So when you hear of a negative thing happening, instead of being saddened, instead of wanting to do something to correct that negative thing happening, you just shrug and carry on with your life.

Each human being develops a bit of emotional stiffness, in order to survive. But some human beings have a lot of emotional stiffness, and that results in cold, compassionless society.

It is unfortunately the case a bit everywhere in the world, including the Netherlands. It does not mean all citizens are emotionally stiff. Perhaps 60% are. But it is enough to create a cloud that obscures the sun. It is enough to make persons like the Faerie Princess grow up with a constant feeling of nausea.

I am sorry for this long answer and explanation. But I wish my readers to understand I really do not like to hurt / offend others. But I am in a very difficult position.

Today I learnt that we will have power outage again, 4 hours per day. From 9 am to 11 am in the morning. From 4 pm to 6 pm in the afternoon. The ship of fuel has not arrived yet, so there is a fuel shortage in the country.

Do you have to worry about such things in the Netherlands? Not really.

Probably it will only last for a few days. Many people now have photovoltaic panels, but we do not. It needs a certain investment. I am waiting for the Faerie Princess' entourage to help her heal in order to co-publish our novels.

In my childhood we sometimes spent hours in the dark, but those times were pleasant. We lit candles, had dinner in the garden with candle light. 

The problem is that the State did not build new power plants since several decades. So the power plants are dimensioned to give much less current than what the country needs. So instead private regional companies built small power plants to provide each village / region with current when the power plants of the State fail.

There are so many political divisions that in the past they came to build let's say a power plant here or there, and got people oppose those projects either for political or environmental reasons.

This is what I mean when I say that I come from a difficult context.

Many people think "huh, they are corrupted, it is their fault !" 

But this is not true. Often political division comes from geopolitical divisions. Bad infrastructures stem from political blockages.

But explain to me one thing: why do great countries in the world do not make peace between one another, and why don't they act for peace, instead of selling weapons?

This is what I mean when I say that when there is a problem in one place of this globe everyone is responsible.

Switzerland is the country of peace, right? It is known as having always kept its neutrality.

Yet, Switzerland sells weapons. For "strategic reasons", to keep their weapon industry alive. This is hypocrisy. Sorry.

Most European countries even more hypocrites than Switzerland is !

So sincerely, I do not think that a country that sells weapons can give lessons to another country accusing it of being corrupted, because that country suffered from the consequence of weapon proliferation !!!

This is what the entourage of the Faerie Princess must realize. They are not better than we are. When they close their eyes to the real problems and issues in the world, it does not mean they are not co-responsible for all what is happening.

And an unfairness creates another unfairness ! When a region is occupied by another country, when people are tortured, years afterwards, these scars are remembered. Unfairness fuels violence, unfairness fuels unfairness. And here I am not speaking of communication, but real violence. People who for twenty years are oppressed, killed, etc. will necessarily badly react, and in their turn become oppressors.

I do not justify the people who are violent. Violence cannot and will never resolve anything. (I am speaking of real violence here.)

Yet, instead of giving lessons, western nations should understand the real reasons and causes from which that violence stems.

Instead of calling groups of people "terrorists", they should understand why these people have been wounded / wronged to the point of becoming so violent.

As I said earlier, I belong to the ancient lands of Mount Lebanon that are profoundly Christians and do not take part in conflicts, and keep its neutrality. Yet, we see and hear what happens elsewhere. And all what I can say is that ALL PARTS are wrong and at fault. Each person / individual / country / organization using violent means is criminal. They all are.

Killing is an atrocious act. Always. 

Countries who close their eyes upon what happens are at fault. Citizens of those peaceful countries who close their eyes also are at fault.

And this is not theoretical thought.

In Mount Lebanon, we have been occupied by Syria for around 20 years. From the 80's to 2005.

It is the USA who made a deal with Syria in the 80s allowing it to occupy Mount Lebanon in exchange for something else. 

The practical consequence is that there were Syrian soldiers at checkpoints to go from one region to another during my childhood. 

It was not a heavy occupation, starting from 1991. There was only a minimal presence. 

Yet, can you imagine dear Dutch friends having German soldiers at checkpoints to go from Amsterdam to The Hague asking you for your identity card? Would you find that acceptable?

This is what we lived for years. And other zones of the country were occupied by another country, without wishing to enter in names.

And all that, because great countries of this world thought that Lebanon really did not matter, and all what they were interested in was getting more oil, more gas, and as Lebanon at the time did not have strategic resources (except its mountains, its water, its ski slopes, its banks, its culture, its educated people), they really did not care about us, and allowed our two neighbors to occupy our country for two decades. 

We got rid of those occupations. Yet those two countries always kept their eyes on us, as well as their territorial ambition.

So when people who were victim of humiliating occupations during two decades defend themselves using non-peaceful means, I really do not agree with it, yet, can understand from where it comes.

There are thousands of Lebanese Christians from the region where I live who disappeared in the 1980s and were never found again, taken to Syria. And the same happened in other zones of the country, occupied by another country.

When people lose close ones, how do you want them to react? Especially when there is no human justice that can do anything for them. 

Can we bring the Syrian dirigeants in an international, or national court? No. 

Have you seen how Syrian dirigeants treated their own citizens in the last decade? Imagine what their soldiers did here, in a foreign country they envy and hate.

And it is the same from the other side.

Of course, everybody is at fault when there is violence and extremism. But extremism often stems from deep unfairnesses. It is like a reaction, of having been unprotected during decades.

So, I do my best to keep my communication entirely peaceful. But I know that the opinions of the entourage of the Faerie Princess toward my country was very insulting, without understanding its local particularities and all the unfairnesses we lived, and also without appreciating how a country tries to make each minority, each community, heard in the Parliament, having a long democratic tradition despite all the problems.

Many times my country has been abandoned by the international community. And I am not speaking of the present. I am also speaking of the 1960s, when my country was doing really well, and was the wealthiest and most developed country of the region.

If you wish to reach peace in the world, you need to treat each country fairly. You cannot blindly take the side of a country against another. You need to point at the faults of each, in a fair way.

And each person who used violent means, and killed, should be judged. Each single person from each single country. 

Violence should be forbidden. But it should be forbidden for everyone !!!

I do not expect an answer to this post, as I do not like to speak of these themes usually. Sorry, it is very long. But I had a lot to say and explain. Thank you for reading me.


Today I've trained to record a slightly different kind of video to post on my Linkedin profile.

What do you think of this video? Should I try posting it on Linkedin or should I try record a better one? I've shaved tonight, and I've found an unused device at home that could record better quality videos than my cellphone. So perhaps tomorrow I will do a better one.

This, dear Red-Oak, Green-Rose, Little-Flute, to share with you a bit of how I think... Feel free to give me your opinions in the comment section underneath !

Monday 19 August 2024

A quick afternoon talk

A quick afternoon talk.

Soon Red-Oak and the Faerie Princess will celebrate their birthdays that are separated only by a few days. But the main question is: where is the Faerie Princess?

Sunday 18 August 2024

An important discovery: Oranje is twinned with Breda & Byblos

 I finally got a haircut! I spoke from the rooftop of our house today...

I think that the town of Orange (Oranje) in France occupies a special place in the hearts of my Dutch friends, as Willem van Oranje (Het Vader des Vaderlands) was Prins van Oranje. 

And what I discovered today is that Byblos, the closest town to Amchit (we live at five/ten minutes from Byblos) is twinned with Orange, which is also twinned with Breda !

This is a screenshot of the wikipedia page about Orange in English (Source:,_Vaucluse#Name)

For the information of my readers, Byblos is one of the oldest towns in the world and it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. You can read more about Byblos here:

The first alphabet in the world was born in Byblos.

So this is really the hand of fate, I think, that unites both Byblos and Breda with Oranje.

Amchit and Byblos are very closely related. In the past, the families who owned trades in Byblos had their homes in Amchit. There are only 5 kilometers in between Amchit and Byblos (that is also called Jbeil).


On another note this is the picture of a wild tulip sprouting at the wild state in the Mounts of Lebanon (Source:

Saturday 17 August 2024


In my memory, the tulips were grown in the Byzantine Empire, and later introduced to Occidental Europe. I checked the history of tulips on Wikipedia, and this is what is written in the introduction: 

Tulips were cultivated in Byzantine Constantinople as early as 1055 but they did not come to the attention of Northern Europeans until the sixteenth century, when Northern European diplomats to the Ottoman court observed and reported on them.They were rapidly introduced into Northern Europe and became a much-sought-after commodity during tulip mania. Tulips were frequently depicted in Dutch Golden Age paintings, and have become associated with the Netherlands, the major producer for world markets, ever since.


And in fact tulips grow in Lebanon. This is the map where tulips grow. In red, the parts where the tulips are native. In yellow, the parts where tulips were introduced to!


So the tulips are native to Lebanon.

This is a zoom on the map, indicating the Netherlands and Lebanon. As Lebanon is a really small country, a lot of people don't know where it is on a map.

And in fact, to answer to the comment of one of our most faithful readers, the winters here are cold.

On the coast the average temperature during the coldest months range between 8°C and 16°C.

But do not forget we have high mountains that reach to 3100 meters.

At 1500 meters height, the average temperatures in winter are between 0°C and 7°C, going as low as -6°C during snowstorms, which is as cold as the Netherlands. There from 1500 meters on, there are ski slopes that are covered with enough snow to ski for three or four months per year.

At 3088 meters height, the highest peaks, temperatures can reach as low as -15°C during the winter. Snow does not melt there, not even in the summer. Even in August / September, there still is some ice.

And, for instance Apple and Cherry trees do not grow on the coast where the climate is Mediterranean. But from 700 meters on, there are apple and cherry orchards. So even if some varieties of tulips prefer a colder weather, they have all the mountains to grow on.

And this is an aerial picture of Ehden, a village in Mount Lebanon, covered by snow in the winter. (Source:

Checking if a squash is ripe

Today I checked if a squash was ripe in my video, but it wasn't ready to be picked yet. So I left it on the plant. It should be picked when the step is dry.

I also finally cut my hair, you will see the result tomorrow! 

Friday 16 August 2024

The feast of the Holy Virgin

Today, the 15th of August, is an important feast in Mount Lebanon. The tradition was to light a fire that evening, we always did that in my childhood, roasting potatoes, onions and garlic in it. In my video, I tell you briefly about the history of this feast. 

And this is a hibiscus flower that bloomed today for my Dutch friends, harboring their beloved oranje color ! It is a really young hibiscus I planted three years ago from I slip I had cut, so it does not do a lot of flowers as it is still small.

I also got my fourth recommendation on linkedin. You can see them and read them directly and publicly on my profile: 

And my question to Red-Oak (and Green-Rose and Little-Flute) is the following: do you think that all these very respectable persons who occupy prestigious positions are lying by saying very positive words about me, about my technical skills and my brightness, but also about being a fair and kind-hearted and trustworthy person, or are you starting to understand you made a grave mistake, and that you deeply wronged me with your behaviors and rash acts?
Are you starting to understand, Red-Oak, that because of your rigidity you trapped the Faerie Princess - Annelies Broeders - into a very heavy silence she cannot break?

And those public recommendations are only one piece of the puzzle, as you've already received two direct letters of support, from equally respectable persons.

I advise you to seriously think about my words, and to revise your position, Red-Oak, as it is not sustainable. If you wish to hug again on your heart the Faerie Princess, you will have to make an effort to understand her.

Thursday 15 August 2024

Wednesday 14 August 2024

Grilling some vegetables

Today, after many months, I gave life to the fire hole I dug in the garden three years ago. It is an entirely safe place of my invention to make fires, even during the summer. There, I grilled some vegetables, two sweet potatoes and a small squash.

Red-Oak, Green-Rose, Little-Flute and all our other friends who read us daily, you are most welcome.


Tuesday 13 August 2024

A small earthquake

I lost my first video. Our cats were playing in a really funny way. But my cellphone did a strange bug and did not save the video. The second video was less brilliant... but at least you get to see my genuine emotions.

I also received a new recommendation on my linkedin profile:

Step after step, I am showing how wrong the entourage of the Faerie Princess was in their judgements of me, and how much they harmed me.

Then, tonight, two minutes before midnight, we fell a small earthquake. Fortunately it was weak. Still, it was strange to feel it. I felt the chair under me slightly moving, and the lamp above my head too. It took place in another country, and here we felt it in a much weaker way.

And the main and most important question that Red-Oak and Green-Rose should answer is: where is the Faerie Princess? And did she too feel that small earthquake?

Monday 12 August 2024


Yesterday I discovered a new fruit we had never seen, tasted, or heard of in the garden ! It is called Jamblon in French, Java plums or Jambolan in English.

This is the story of this tree that sprouts in the garden by the sea. Many years ago, it caught my attention, and by rubbing its leaves I had the intuition it was a fruit tree. However it did not give fruits, and we could not discover what it was.
Yesterday while taking care of the orchard section of the garden, I passed underneath this tree and discovered like a black olive on the soil. I was really intrigued, and all of a sudden understood it was not an olive, but a fruit I had never seen in my entire life, resembling grape in appearance, but with a larger seed.
I did not know if it was edible or not, and after some research we discovered it is edible, and it is called Java Plum or Jamblon.

This fruit comes from South-eastern Asia, but also widely sprouts on the Reunion Island. It is edible raw, and really very good for the health. It is used as a natural cure for diabetes and high blood pressure, and it is a strong antioxidant. It is also used to produce alcohol and perfume and color rums.
It's really very interesting to discover a new fruit you have never heard of in the garden. And it seems that more than a decade ago it is a cousin of my grandparents who gave them the little plant. Nobody remembered what it was.
And if I was not so passionate by plants, nobody would have noticed those fruits, as the garden is large, and I am the only one who regularly tours it. 

Everything of this tree is edible. The seeds of the fruits are edible, and used in medicine, as well as its leaves. 
We live in a rich climate where trees from many different regions of the world can grow and thrive. I invite you, dear Red-Oak, dear Green-Rose, dear Little-Flute, to come visit!

Sunday 11 August 2024

Showing the persimmon tree

Today I crossed the garden walking to show you the persimmon tree. I planted a persimmon seed ten years ago, and for years took care of this little plant that became a small tree, and is now yielding its first fruits (still unripe). The persimmon tree is in the lower garden, close to the valley that becomes a river in the winter.

And those are the passion fruits I harvested today! I planted this passion fruit vine four years ago. It's giving really great results. I also replanted today more passion fruit seeds in the nursery I keep in order to have more passion fruit plants in future.

There are at least six banana trees that are carrying bananas in the garden. I also planted these banana trees six years ago. The species of bananas and of passion fruits I planted is different from the one you find on the market. I always take particular care of the species I choose to plant, trying to find the most adapted ones to the type of soils and climate of the gardens I take care of.

Saturday 10 August 2024

Some facts about me

Today I recorded a short video, and at the end it is the voice of my mother you hear calling me from inside the house. And as I am a bit shy, I didn't know how to respond to her, while carrying on my video. She was asking me a question about the water pump, whether I needed it to water or not. So I had to end my video abruptly.

My nickname is Ricco, and as a child my nickname was Ricotino, an Italian form of my first name.

Also, for years, since 2018 - 2019, I disappeared from all social networks because of all my suffering related to the unfair treatment I received, and my disgust with the world.

This disgust was further deepened by what happened in August 2020.

Around three or four weeks ago, encouraged by the Faerie Princess, I decided to create a linkedin profile and reconnect with my old friends / acquaintances / colleagues. You can visit it here:

I'm doing it slowly, but I now have more than 150 connections, which is not a lot compared to other people, yet I only add the persons I well know (except a few exceptions related to my writing career and my permaculture interests).

There are a lot of persons who are in their summer holidays. So things are going slowly.

Yet I got a few endorsements on my skills from very serious persons, and also a beautiful, public recommendation written about me.

I also posted four stories about my life in the last years, and got some engagement on them.

The aim of this profile is to prove to the family of the Faerie Princess that I am a serious, and well-appreciated person.

My policy is never to add or do research any person of the entourage of the Faerie Princess. Because of the very unfair treatment I received in the past, I think that when they will be ready, they will have to make this step in my direction. So I do not use linkedin to communicate with them, but rather to show them my skills, and how I am a well-appreciated person despite having disappeared for six years, and despite having chosen to follow my own way (my writing career, and being self-employed on my family lands as an ecosystem engineer). For now, these experiences are not recognized or rewarded, yet one day, all the value of what I've done will become clear, I believe, and my work will be appreciated by others.

There is even a famous writer who got interested in me, and commented twice one of my posts.

I also managed to connect with the new president of the university where I studied and where I met the Faerie Princess. I told her my story, and it greatly touched her, and she even invited me to meet her, if I one day return to Switzerland.

I write all these things publicly, because I do not use names, and only those who well know this story know about this blog and come read it.

I ask my readers not to use linkedin to try to research / add / contact any member of the entourage of the Faerie Princess, as this is not the right way to do things. Whoever wishes to help can write them a direct letter of support / recommendation, directly by email. 

However, I invite my readers to follow the progression of my profile on linkedin, and the new initiatives I will launch.


Also, on another note. These are some facts for the entourage of the Faerie Princess who reserved to me a disgusting treatment in the past.

Perhaps these individuals thought that we still are in the 17th century, at the time the Netherlands had colonies all around the world, and could embark slaves on their ships without even asking for a permission.

Six years ago, I was treated, and questioned almost as if I were a slave, without any rights. As you have noticed already, I am a proud person, not in a negative sense, but rather in the sense that I cannot accept nor tolerate the way I was treated six years ago, as it was completely unfair. It is not something I can forget or forgive, as long as the attitude of the entourage of the Faerie Princess does not change toward me.

So here are some pretty obvious facts about me, my family, my culture and my country.

- We shower every day (with soap, of course!)

- We wash our teeth twice or thrice per day

- We change clothes every day

- We usually have three meals per day (breakfast, lunch and dinner)

- We have access to all the modern commodities

- We do not eat food raw, or frozen, as you seemed to think in the treatment, you, your culture, your country, reserved to me. We eat proper food.

We eat meat / poultry, but not a lot, by choice. We eat a lot of grains (lentils, red beans, chickpeas, fava beans), as, mixed with rice, they contain a lot of proteins. We eat of lot of vegetables, of greeneries, of fruits. We have access to fresh fish, fresh eggs. We also eat bread (many of which my mother prepares herself), and pasta.

There are supermarkets at 5 / 10 / 15 minutes from where we live where we find anything we might want, even Gouda cheese. My great grandfather used to love Gouda with cumin seeds. I did not have the chance to meet that great grandfather, and it is my grandfather who kept that tradition.

I even visited Gouda, the town, during one of my trips to the Netherlands.

Also those are perhaps less obvious facts:

- We use natural soap to wash fruits / vegetables / salads, and are always surprised to see that many Europeans just rinse the fruits / salads they buy, despite all the pesticides that are used. 

- We wash glasses with soap too, and for us it is unconceivable to just rinse a glass, as many people living on your continent do.

There is a concept that we call "zankha" and that translates as "egg smell". When a glass or a plate is not properly washed, it does that scent. When meat / poultry / fish are not properly cooked, with aromatic herbs, with pepper, with salt, etc., or if they are not very fresh, they also risk to do that smell.

I stayed for one week in the Netherlands in a youth hostel and was shocked to discover that I was scolded when I pre-cleaned my plate / glass before putting them in the dishwasher. "You are wasting water!" the responsible there told me each time. It was absurd, because heavy rain was falling outside.

The result was that each time I used a plate or a glass, I nearly fainted because of the "egg smell" that accumulated on them. The people who slept in that youth hostel seemed to have a rich diet of meat, and as they did not even rinse their plates before putting them in the dishwater, the result was terrible.

I had to secretly re-wash by hand each item I used. 

This is not to mock your culture, as probably (and hopefully), you are much cleaner than those who took care of that youth hostel. But this is to tell you that you were wrong to look down on me, and give me the unfair treatment you gave me. This is to tell you that we have as much culture as you do, if not more. Sorry.

- Also we do not drink in one another's glass or bottle, and we do not eat in one another's plate, and this, well before the corona pandemics.

I was always shocked in Europe when classmates asked me for a sip of water, sucking at my bottle.

We have a drinking technique without touching the bottle, that is much more hygienic. 

Our culture is quite similar to the Sicilian culture for instance. As you know, I have multiple origins, and love and honor each of my countries. However, you, the entourage of the Faerie Princess, denied that in your prejudices against me. And this forces me now to defend, explain and expose the culture of the country where I live.

We are not barbarian savages, as you seemed to think. We have a very long history. Modern history has not been very fair toward us. And yet, if you visit the Mounts of Ylliriel, you will feel as if you were in Sicily, in Sardinia, or in Greece. The towns here at 5000 years old. The history is very rich. The food is rich and diversified, but in a healthy way.

And the landscapes are very diversified too, ranging from Mediterranean, to Alpine. 


Also, I am a Maronite, which means that I am a Christian Catholic. The Maronites are among the oldest Christians in the world. When the Arabs invaded the region, the Maronites fought them, and refused to convert to islam. This is how we kept our mountains, and our independence.

So around the 1400s the Romans were very surprised to discover there still were Christians who lived where I live.

The Maronite Church is officially recognized by the Vatican as a Catholic Church. 

For me, being Catholic, Orthodox or Protestant does not make much difference. It is the Christian values I embrace.

I respect all other schools of thoughts, beliefs, faiths (ranging from other religions to atheism), while however disagreeing on some aspects.

Many European countries have embraced laicism, making of laicism a "religion". 

The Maronites are laics in the sense that they do not mix religion with each aspect of their life. However they do not have the luxury of doing what many Europeans did, as the survival of our country and our lands pass by never forgetting our origins, and the struggle we kept for more than one thousand years in order not to be forced to convert to another religion.

So while being respectful and open-minded, we cannot do what Europeans did, because, as you know, other faiths are not as tolerant as we are, generally speaking. 

My country protects the right of each of its citizens, and as the Maronites were behind its foundation, the President, and the General of the Army are chosen among Maronites (each faith, each religion, each school of thought, is represented in the State, in order to make everyone heard). This is why my country is such a complex country.

It is easier when people of only one identity form a country. When a country has multiple identities as mine, it is a wealth, but also makes it more difficult to govern.

And, what does it mean to be a Christian, for me?

It means that:

- Life has a meaning. Its meaning does not end with death. There is a much fairer and beautiful life after death.

- God, the Virgin Mary, Jesus exist, and are entirely pure and loving beings, they are like loving parents, or like the loving King and Queen of a beautiful kingdom that is fair to everyone.

- I do not believe in hell. I believe that people who live bad life will self-torture after their death, till when they find a way to repair their mistakes. I do not believe in the devil. 

- I believe that people who live very good and pure life can become Saints, and very positively impact others, or even miraculously heal them

- I believe that miracles are possible, even if I haven't seen yet major miracles happening in front of my own eyes. I believe that there is an ultimate reality beyond science, despite having a solid scientific education as I am an engineer

- I believe each human being deserves to live a fair, decent, happy life, here on Earth, and beyond

- I believe that Love is sacred, and that you meet YOUR unique true love once in your life. The name of my true love, the Faerie Princess, is Annelies Broeders of Dordrecht

- I believe the family is sacred (parents, siblings, grandparents...), and in general that there is a way to have a positive bond with each human being

Those are my core beliefs. I respect all other beliefs, as long as they respect others. I do not like at all the beliefs that try to be imposed on others. Without naming them, some religions are unfortunately not very respectful for the beliefs of others. Christianism, in the past, also did not always respect the beliefs of others, and I am very much against what happened when the Europeans conquered America. The people who lived in ancient America had a lot of wisdom. The celts too, had wisdom.

Conversions should never happen by force. When it does, it ruins everything. 

Also, atheists and laic people sometimes want to impose their beliefs on others, and on their own kids, by not giving them the choice to believe or not in the existence of God. And that too, is not something I like or appreciate.

A Godless world is a very sad one, and right now, we are in a Godless world. A world where the leaders believe in money and power, more than in values such as love / friendship / peace / harmony and forgiveness.

This post is long, but at least you now know who I truly am.

Friday 9 August 2024

The story behind

This is where I explain the story behind the blogs. Watch it till the end.

I am not ashamed at all to be a skilled ghostwriter.

I would never do ghostwriting for money. However, helping the love of my life to express herself is a noble pursuit. 

I will never lend my words to anyone else in my life. My words are sacred and precious. I can never sell my words. However, for the Faerie Princess, Annelies Broeders, I make an exception to this rule, as she requested and still asks my help to express all the emotions she cannot herself express, because she doesn't allow herself to, as she suffers from a deep childhood trauma.

Doing what I did require a lot of writing skills, empathy and sensitivity.

And it is the Faerie Princess herself who did not want to share exactly how she wrote her tales, as she wished each of the words she publicly endorses to be taken seriously, by her entourage and all her readers.

And I am going to tell you something else, and to share something painful with you, something I never speak about usually, as I too, keep a deep trauma, a trauma as deep as the one the Faerie Princess suffers from, about war.

I however forbid to my readers to ever speak of this subject to me, and this is why I will not allow comments to be posted on this post, specifically. I have a deep phobia of this subject.

If I get beyond my phobia to write about it, it is to help the Faerie Princess, and also to help her entourage understand better who I am.

I was a teenager. 15 years old. I had excellent grades at school was appreciated by teachers and classmates, had a loving family. I had everything to be happy.

Except that a war started. It was in July 2006. It lasted for one month. The images below are pictures I personnally took, at 15 years old.

What are Dutch teenagers busy with at 15 years old? Drinking beers, smoking weed, going out, partying, exploring their gender identity. For the most serious ones, like the Faerie Princess, reading, studying, daydreaming.

What was I busy with at 15 years old?

Seeing my country destroyed. Risking to see someone I loved die, risking to die myself.

In August 2006 I created my first blog, called

You will see my name on that blog, and you will retrieve all the pictures displayed below. It is a blog I kept from 2006 to 2009, displaying images of the devastation, of my family, of the garden, of the sea.

It is my father who insisted on taking me to take pictures and understand the folly of human beings and of war. I do not keep these pictures on my computer, as I really do not like to see them, but I still have them on my old blog. You can explore the archives of that blog to find all the pictures used here. In a couple of days, I will remove them from this blog.

Time stopped. (2006. South of the capital, picture taken by me a few days after the end of the war)

Rubbles. (2006. South of the capital, picture taken by me a few days after the end of the war)

More devastation. (2006. South of the capital, picture taken by me a few days after the end of the war)

Destructions. (2006. South of the capital, picture taken by me a few days after the end of the war)

And those pictures were taken at the entry of a destroyed zone. Most of buildings no longer existed. But for our own safety, we did not enter into the most devastated zones. My father and I went together there, one afternoon. I was 15 years old. I still remember that moment.

This picture is taken also by me, in 2006, during the war. It is at 10 minutes from where I live. We heard the destruction of this major bridge of the highway, over a valley called Fidar. One person died, the poor man was doing his jogging passing under the bridge. It is my grandfather who took me there, a few hours after its destruction, to witness what had happened. There was no longer a road.

The same morning my father passed on this bridge ten minutes before it was destroyed. 

I circled the house in red, wondering how it still remained there, despite what had happened.

This is another view of the same bridge, taken by me.

It was very strange to stand in the middle of the highway and see no road, no possibility to pass, in front of us.

We lived in a complete blockade. Every village, every town, was isolated. We were entirely powerless.

And the worse is that we had nothing to do with this conflict. We just were collaterals. Myself, my family, and the Mounts of Ylliriel, is a neutral region that is at peace with everyone. And yet, this is what happened to us, without reason, just because mad, hateful people, from both sides, decided to have an armed conflict.

All the infrastructure was systematically destroyed. I do not want to enter into the details of the nightmare we lived. Yet I think that these pictures I took speak on their own. 

The tone of my blog in 2006 was light, on purpose, so deeply shocked I was by what had happened. It took years before to well understand its horror.

You need to go through the archives of my old blog to find these pictures and many more. I will not share more of them here.

The closest bomb that fell was at around 500 meters from where I lived, on an antenna. The soil shook under our feet when it happened. Hearing all day and night long airplanes hovering in the sky was a nightmare too.

We had luck to live in a peaceful region, where only some key points of the infrastructure were destroyed. So in the region where we lived, there only were very few casualties. Yet, the fear, the terror, the blockage, the shortages of everything, the oil spill in the sea, the uncertainty, were terrible to live, and left a deep scar in me. 

Dutch citizens are so much concerned about laws.

And I ask to those citizens. Where is the law that protected me, and my family, and millions of innocent people who lived and died under bombs?

Where is that law, please?

And, what is our fault? Are we at fault for being born in the wrong place, the wrong country?

Dutch citizens are so much diffident of strangers. And they all hide behind the law of privacy to avoid having human interactions. 

But, they should open their eyes. They perhaps have the luck to live in an island of peace, but millions of people around the world do not have their luck.

And there is a collective responsibility, of all the people who live in wealthy, peaceful countries.

If you use fuel, gas, coal, electricity, energy, plastic, electronics, be notified that there are countries that are at war to produce those goods you are using in order to carry on with your comfortable lives.

Ukraine, the Middle East. Each regional conflict is related to the control of strategic resources. Strategic resources you use, forgetting that there are people dying every day because you are not ready to live a more simple life.

I, as millions of people worldwide had to endure the fear of a bomb falling over my family and I, killing us, or gravely wounding us / crippling us.

And you are scared of a few letters, of a few emails, and nonsense of the kind? 

And you are so much concerned about laws. But if those laws fail to protect one part of the world, then, it means that those laws are flawed. 

And you cannot throw the responsibility on the countries that have problems, because everything is interrelated, and everyone is responsible. 

My country till the 1960s was entirely peaceful, and among the wealthiest countries in the world. It is the decisions that large, powerful countries of this world took, that made my country so fragile. If you read history thoroughly, you will understand what I mean.

Unfortunately most people do not have the time / patience / focus needed to read and understand history. They read newspapers' titles, without trying to understand the whys and the hows.

What I mean is that I will not take life lessons from people who had the luck to live their entire life in a peaceful place, and who have the luxury to be concerned with unimportant laws that are not even fair. 

I am a person who respects the laws. Yet, I place morality above laws. When I see an unfairness, I act, without asking myself one thousand times whether what I do is at 100% or at 95% in agreement with the law. I know and have experienced the limitation of laws. When a bomb falls, no law can stop the bomb from falling.

If the Faerie Princess cannot express herself, because cold, unemotional persons wounded her in an inconsiderate way during her childhood, I will of course not remain silent. 

The persistence of her blogs for the last five months prove very clearly that her will is to be helped, and that each word she publicly endorses, in her name, with her face, is authentic. 

Perhaps some of our readers consider they have been "fooled". Yet that word is entirely inappropriate. If the Faerie Princess did not suffer from a real trauma, she would have called her parents over the phone and settled everything. There would have been no need for fictional blogs.

The Faerie Princess suffers from exactly the same kind of trauma than the persons who lived war, and this is why since the beginning, she and I related so deeply. She has lived the war, and the cold war, between her parents, and that has devastated her childhood and her life.

After the public revelation the Faerie Princess and I decided to make, I felt as if our readers starting thinking our ship was sinking, securing their escape.

Yet, these readers are wrong. The aim is to arrive to a point where the Faerie Princess will be able to express herself on her own, not through fiction, but in real life. Ghostwriting for the Faerie Princess while keeping the lines blurred was a major phase of that process. Now, a new phase is starting.

This revelation changes nothing, and doesn't remove any authenticity to each word that has been published. On the contrary, it makes everything clearer, and the position of the Princess more understandable.

The main question now is: where is the Faerie Princess.

If the Faerie Princess is in the Republic of Ylliriel, her parents should take the first flight to come see their daughter.

The comment section on this post is closed, as I do not wish to get any comment about the topics I do not like to speak about. 

Thursday 8 August 2024

In front of the barnhouse

 I spoke from the piece of garden I created in front of the barnhouse today...

Wednesday 7 August 2024

Tuesday 6 August 2024

A new field of parsley and salad

Today I planted a new field of parsley and salad. I also explain why I wrote a petition to the King of the Netherlands. I will probably not receive a response, and yet, that option to write the King exists, even for citizens who do not live in the Netherlands, and I found that quite interesting. The King is after all the "father" of the nation. The King can do things no one else can. By inviting Red-Oak and Green-Rose to his palace, and speaking wise words of reconciliation to them, the Faerie Princess would receive the most beautiful gift of her entire adult life.

Look at how I captured this bird in the following pictures, taken from the rooftop of the barnhouse.

Passion fruits and green peppers from the garden around our house.

Even hibiscus flowers can have twin souls! This is a white hibiscus I planted, but for mysterious reasons it produced a half-pink, half-white flower!

And those are passion fruits I harvested on Sunday from the garden by the sea. They still need to mature for a few days, until when they become pink / purple. I planted this passion fruit vine.

And those are the first green olives and carobs of the year! I prepared the olives with water, salt and olive oil, doing a small cut on each olive, to allow them to lose their bitterness in a faster way.
The carobs have a vague taste of chocolate. They are edible raw, or used to produce molasses, that is like a darker honey. The sugar contained in carobs is much healthier than "normal" sugar.
Do you recognize my hat, that I sometimes use when I harvest the garden fruits?

From inside the house

As it was raining (lightly) this morning I recorded my video from inside the house, in front of the garden, for a change. But in reality I h...